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  • It's so clear, Americans that had decent jobs wouldn't have to rely on govt. assistance (and for which most paid by the way, something politicians and hucksters never mention). Paying into the system also relieves any budget gaps because govt. takes in more, pay out less as people no longer need help. People with good jobs can settle down in one community, enroll their kids in schools, join the PTA/PTO, pay property taxes that support local police, fire, waste, etc. People with good jobs have kids that see their parents treated well by by the govt. and employers and can themselves too think the American Dream is real and possible to them. They think working hard in school is worth it, behaving well is worth it, and view citizenship and living in America as truly great. They see the system working and want to help it continue indefinitely. They trust the institutions they deal with (e.g., big and small businesses, banks, local, state, and county officials) more than if they are unemployed or scraping by in jobs they can't survive on. Parents with good jobs are less likely to suffer from preventable diseases, alcoholism, depression, abuse, etc. Their children are less likely to witness family trauma, and thus are more likely to help build stable families and societies in the future.

    On the other hand, the exact opposite is true when there are no good jobs for the majority of citizens. They rely more on assistance from others, and when that's not available, they get sick, become homeless, and/or die. They turn to drugs, alcohol, etc. That increases the burden on police, fire/EMTs, social services, etc. They can't afford to feed and house themselves or children or take care of sick relatives. When possible, any burden is shifted to others in desperation. They criticize and despise those that ignore or mock them, like millionaire politicians, TV and radio personalities, and billionaire kleptocrats that have the only access to those in power. They can't buy houses or sign long-term leases because they know they will be fired at a moment's notice and/or any job they do get simply won't cover rent or a mortgage, food, fuel, clothing, and the myriad other expenses they have (including health insurance and benefits companies no longer cover). They can't plan for next week, let alone next year, because jobs in 2012 are short-term, contractual nightmares that can end immediately with no notice. They don't trust institutions like federal, state, or local govt. and view the police and law enforcement as only protecting the moneyed elite. They pass their cynicism on to their friends and families. They see those that didn't attend US elementary schools, or middle and high schools, or even colleges, getting hired as those doing the hiring lie to their faces and say they are unskilled and lazy. The Americans passed over and lied to lose faith that truth matters or that even being a citizen matters to those in charge and pass on that truth to everyone they know because it is obvious American jobs are being shipped overseas or given to foreigners coming into the US in the tens of millions, building more and more distrust in the social fabric. And information is available publicly proving that the "public servants" serve the people that fund them, and only them, not American citizens.

    Truth and fairness and honesty are seen as burdens in advancement and even survival as lies, stepping on others, and do anything as long as it serves you becomes the new motto, not work hard, study hard, and always treat others fairly and with integrity become derided.

    And so it goes. Jobs for American citizens? Yeah, that's the cure for most ills. And yet the reason they refuse to do anything about it is because it goes against their bosses' interests.

    Reply to: Identity Politics and Economic Reality   11 years 11 months ago
  • Look, I get what the right is all up in arms with the Obama administration working with Mexico to make sure Mexicans apply for food stamps, I get that.

    But the bottom line here isn't how these various rolls have dramatically increased it's people are so desperate to survive they are turning to whatever is left of the social safety net.

    If the GOP really wants to reduce the welfare rolls they will focus on one thing and that's jobs.

    Both parties need to quit with the corporate talking points, which usually involved U.S. worker displacement, offshore outsourcing jobs and enact policies right now, that are proved to be effective to generate jobs.

    Take cuts for the rich do not generate jobs. More foreign guest worker Visas do not generate jobs.

    Tying corporate taxes to direct hiring will generate jobs. Insisting any federal funds, all workers must be U.S. citizens, i.e mandatory buy America and hire American conditions in receiving any contracts, federal funds....will generate jobs.

    The list goes on and on and neither party will do it.

    Right now they are going to screw the American people and cut their social security benefits under the guise of the "grand bargain" and fiscal dreaded cliff. America should plain revolt if they do that. Social security is not an entitlement. People earned those benefits, have paid into social security through their paychecks for years.

    Would they cut corporate welfare to balance the budget? Of course not, this is all a bunch of crap to screw over the American people on what meager benefits they have left for old age.

    Reply to: Identity Politics and Economic Reality   11 years 11 months ago
  • I kept trying to tell the Romney supporters about his baggage. Sure Romney has some winners in the mergers and acquisitions business but he also had losers. The M&A business isn't for the faint at heart but sharks abound. Romney made a fortune by using existing tax code and tax code leveraging of money. Ya think for one moment Romney would be willing to rein in the enormous tax code? I don't think so.

    Who in the Republican Party thought Romney would be w good choice and a choice that could garner votes from the Democratic Party?

    Giving things to win elections isn't new. In 140 B.C. the Roman politicians found the country in trouble and that meant they, the politicians were in trouble. It is when the term bread and circuses was born. The politicians learned that they could buy votes from giving things to the people.

    Moral hazards increase during bad times and I wonder if the government is tracking the possible fraud in the social security disability division?

    Then you also have the oligarchy, corporate fascism in the government that is stealing from the people and I can only wonder how long we can play this game?????

    "Why is the Social Security Administration receiving more and more claims for disability benefits? Why was there an increase of 21-percent for disability applications between 2008 and 2009? "

    The government(s) aren't very good at researching social services fraud. My friend of 53 years had a niece that went bad for a while. Within several years after turning 18 the niece had two babies to the same guy. They weren't married. The bio father was running a construction business using illegal labor, paying them under the table and most of what he did was under the table. Bio dad and niece lived in the same apartment. Bio mom was on welfare, Medicaid, WIC. The two were defrauding the government(s) in many ways,

    Eventually bios dad walked out and the niece decides to go to a $25,000 a year school and the State picked up 1/2 of the tab.

    Finally the niece straightened out. I suspect that she collected about $100,000 in benefits. As a not working person, she went to a school that I couldn't afford for my my son. Now multiple my little anecdotal example of fraud throughout the country and I am guessing there is a big problem.

    There was an increase of 21-percent for social security disability applications between 2008 and 2009? I am not confident that the administration is all to keen at checking for fraud. Ya don't want to tick off the voting public.

    Reply to: Identity Politics and Economic Reality   11 years 11 months ago
  • They have been playing women's rights for over 30 years and those anti-women religious zealots, the GOP thinks without them they will not win, instead of without women they will not win.

    Honestly the law has been established, now there is enormous precedent. At the same time, Ireland just killed a woman by refusing to give her an abortion when it was clear the life of the mother was at risk and a girl was shot in the head for wanting to go to school....

    so, with that kind of women hatred at a global scale, well, if they are going to kill you or enslave you, economics would become secondary.

    I saw that on Philadelphia and if you saw my back of the napkin on the black vote in Ohio, hmmmm, they are railing up the actual black population in terms of vote turn out.

    I don't know, that's a major statistical project to look at population numbers, statistics vs. vote turn out, registered voters and so on but it sure looked funky to me.

    That was another bogus non-issue, the left put out all sorts of crud about voter repression of minorities and alluded to the 1960's where voter repression was very real.

    So, lots of micro-targeting by the Obama administration. Romney claimed Obama gave "gifts" and indeed they did. Two year work Visas for some illegals was one of the obvious ones. That said, GE just got a gift, they paid zero taxes and we know Romney would have given many, many gives to corporations in terms of offshore tax havens and other things.

    The whole thing is disgusting. We have our usual wedge issues to cobble together a winning electoral margin. National interests and really workers, middle class interests be damned.

    Good for you voting 3rd party. We wouldn't be in such a mess if corporate money was out of politics plus there were more national parties.

    Reply to: Identity Politics and Economic Reality   11 years 11 months ago
  • I have a friend that posted the question, "how can any rational person vote for Romney?" My answer to her was how can any rational person vote for either of them? My vote went to Gary Johnson.

    I asked her if she agrees with the economic policy of the current administration and the quantitative easing. Her answer was that Obama is for womens right to abortion. Hm? So we can go down in economic flames because she believed the rhetoric that abortion will disappear? Even if Romney doesn't agree with abortion getting the law quashed would be monumental, something that wouldn't be worth the time of a President during this mini-depression. Plus if indeed Romney would have gotten the law reversed, most of the States would probably legalize it.

    So the hooks are set in the mouths of the Party addicts, a hook that isn't easily removed.

    If Obama worked for me would I have kept him on the payroll? Nope!

    Then there are those sticky wicket statistical anomalies we read about. IS there truth to them?

    "59 different Philadelphia voting divisions in which Mitt Romney received zero votes compared to Obama’s 19,605. And the Cleveland precinct in which Obama beat Romney 542 to 0. (In fact, Romney received zero votes in nine Cleveland precincts.) And in one Ohio county – widely considered ground zero for the election – Obama received 106,258 votes from 98,213 eligible voters – an impossible 108 percent of the vote. "

    How in the world would either of the two candidates get the companies to remove the cheap labor capital, of foreign workers, hook from their mouths?

    Is the USA in trouble? :)

    Reply to: Identity Politics and Economic Reality   11 years 11 months ago
  • The only information I'd like to know from talking heads is how in God's name they earn 7 figures spewing nonsense 24/7. They are raking it in and facts, statistics be damned.

    Reply to: The Perfect Economic Storm   11 years 11 months ago
  • No matter what, someone will spin it. Higher numbers are result of hurricane, but to spin it positively, they'll claim this is somehow good because so many people will be needed to rebuild houses, piers, electric grid, sidewalks, roads, and bridges, seawalls, insurance inspectors, and so on. Everything, no matter what, is always spun. Every single day it's spun is another day we get no real reprieve. I thought Day 1 after the election someone somewhere would just unleash some jobs ass-kicking program/ideas. But no, all the election "uncertainty" is done and nothing, nothing is revealed except the same old news about fiscal cliff.

    Honestly, things don't change real soon, those with the ability will just get a small plot of land and feed themselves + family. If they want to trade, fine, small items, crafts. We are going Amish, is it bad, is it good, who knows, but it's becoming the only viable way of surviving apparently because the ability to go to school through college, earn a decent wage in a 9-5 job, and survive until a survivable retirement are absolutely becoming a pipe dream due to those in charge. That's not hyperbole, that's the state of the developed world. EU probably worse, South Korea and Asia are also suffering this issue. South Korean small businesses are going under, South Korea leads Asia in suicides, and big business is getting richer and bigger. Japan, same problems. This is a global plague. China will suffer too, but it's a few years until that happens. There are no idea men at the top, the top folks are loving this. The ideas are at the bottom of the social pyramids, but they are at the bottom for a reason (top doesn't want to hear it).

    Reply to: The Perfect Economic Storm   11 years 11 months ago
  • This would be from Nov. 3 to Nov. 10 initial claims. Hurricane Sandy made landfall on October 29th. I expect initial claims to be higher next week as the fall out from Sandy continues. Next week we will be able to better see which states lost jobs the most. We have some from Nov. 3 which shows NJ, OH, PA having significant increases but these are not seasonally adjusted, so for now, assume this is due to the Hurricane.

    Reply to: The Perfect Economic Storm   11 years 11 months ago
  • Oh yeah, American citizens and visitors and all those conducting personal and business banking with JP Morgan Chase, look at who the banksters trust to look out for your cash, to fight/prevent ID theft, and for your personal welfare. I give you the educational background of the Senior VP of Fraud Prevention at Jamie Dimon's fiefdom:
    Sri Sathya Sai University - MBA, Marketing
    Rishi Valley School

    No, this isn't some racist attack based on some schools, plenty of Americans have backgrounds from across the globe, fought for the US, have names from all backgrounds and countries. What draws my concern is the fact that these banks and other companies constantly lie and claim they cannot find any Americans that want to work hard to protect the $ and savings of fellow Americans and protect businesses (non-bankster business, that is) from fraud and theft, the folks have to look outside the US - it has nothing to do with the US educational system, fighting fraud in the US, or caring about the integrity of our financial system and the security of all people conducting business from, in, or through the US. It's all about savings while insulting qualified Americans. Meanwhile they're complicit in sending every job available overseas where the risk is multiplied. For example, outsourcing credit agencies' work overseas? And this isn't illegal? Congress and the rest of the govt. loves their bribes, no matter at what cost to our personal lives.

    This is just part of the ongoing sham, hire people for less money, claim they couldn't find any Americans, and then let the savings and profits go to the CEOs and HR, while the customers and regular folks that need safe and secure systems and places to save money and conduct business without perpetual ID theft and fraud are screwed time and time again. While the folks at the top couldn't care less, customers at banks suffer the consequences. Again, don't be surprised in true banana republic style when people keep their cash under the beds, don't trust anyone they don't know personally or from their community, and everything grinds to a halt because no one in power or earning big bucks can be trusted and will just be seen as getting rich through exploiting others. It's already happening.

    Reply to: Displacing American Labor Through Foreign Guest Worker Visas   11 years 11 months ago
  • I just read over the CIS paper and frankly I don't see a flaw. Without cranking the numbers myself, it looks like they are showing worker displacement through immigration. There are numerous labor economic studies which show similar results and I've noticed ones claiming "immigration helps the economy" usually cherry pick, commonly by three labor economics tricks. First, they set labor substitution variables to zero and claim immigrants and natives do not compete for the same occupations, clearly false and can be seen in the CIS paper by occupation to be false.

    CIS is simply taking BLS data so ones claiming that's spun, well, talk to the Census and the BLS for it's not spun data.

    The second trick is to not tally in costs of immigration. For example, instead of tallying in the fact we have worker swap, that an American worker was in that job previously, the paper will claim x immigrant generated y jobs. Well, when that American was in that job, they already generated y jobs, so instead what one has, which is ignored, is an America worker now underemployed at best and that is not recognized either. Additional costs such as educating the children of illegal immigrants is never mentioned, or the use of medical services not paid for, welfare benefits received, even thought illegal workers are not eligible for them, increase government services and my favorite, the resulting wage repression, or lost wages as an aggregate.

    The third trick some of these spin papers do is to pick a micro-economy, such as Miami in the 1980's and declare because that micro-economy, or city economy must be due to illegal immigrants. That's false and in the case of Miami, it was the cocaine, drug trade that fueled the city's economic boom. Billions were laundered and pour into various investments, construction.

    Bottom line, if immigrants helped the economy, wouldn't we have seen a massive increase in GDP, standard of living by now? Nope, we don't, instead California just keeps increasing taxes....all to pay for their estimated $11 billion a year illegal immigration costs.

    I'll try to dig into what data I can get and write up a post on this later. But I also noticed special interest groups trying to claim the CIS paper is "spun" and I sure don't see any statistical spin in it.

    Reply to: Identity Politics and Economic Reality   11 years 11 months ago
  • It's more than Bill Gates demanding more Visas. Microsoft fired over 5,000 people and replaced them with foreign guest workers.

    They use H-1B to labor arbitrage and displace American STEM workers.

    Reply to: Identity Politics and Economic Reality   11 years 11 months ago
  • Just for one example, Bill Gates (among others) has been pushing for H-1B visas. They allow foreigners with a college-level education in a "specialty" field to come here for three years. They can't switch jobs unless they reapply for their visa, so they're basically indentured servants who will take lower pay than Americans. Microsoft hires someone from, say, Mumbai with a degree in computer programming, pays him peanuts for three years, and sends him home again. Thanks, globalization.

    Reply to: Identity Politics and Economic Reality   11 years 11 months ago
  • It's the state of the economy he got and then comparing against the end of his first term (if the data is available that far out). Taking a quarter or so when we're really trying to look at the change over a four year time period is the key.

    The reason I'm doing comparisons is to show various demographic identity groupings relative to others.

    For example, the black unemployment rate is obscene and has been for some time. But where one can look at Obama is how relative to other races it has increased more than others under his administration.

    Reply to: Identity Politics and Economic Reality   11 years 11 months ago
  • There is some data by occupation but it has a long delay time and that is by the BLS. The Census, through the ACS also gives characteristics of the foreign born.

    There is no one tracking on how many are on guest worker Visas in the country, they on show issuances.

    I haven't read this CIS analysis, although I can believe it due to what I found above. That said, we number crunch here daily, so let me get back to this.

    Reply to: Identity Politics and Economic Reality   11 years 11 months ago
  • My question is what jobs are they claiming? Jobs Americans want to do? Does BLS show job gains by immigrants by sector?

    Reply to: Identity Politics and Economic Reality   11 years 11 months ago
  • UE

    Shouldnt the UE rate at the time the President actually passed something be used rather than Jan 2009? 4 months later it was 9.5

    Reply to: Identity Politics and Economic Reality   11 years 11 months ago
  • Thanks! I'll be pondering that.

    Reply to: Identity Politics and Economic Reality   11 years 11 months ago
  • Oh yeah, John McCain wants "Watergate" like hearings, WH press conference was apparently steered heavily towards the affair, etc. to the exclusion of other issues. Damn, jobs still not a concern? I guess we're f*cked again, if only jobs mattered to the rich boys and girls collecting our funded paychecks. Again, conduct the investigation off the TV screens, let Broadwell go to prison if she was handling classified docs improperly/illegally (serving in Reserves in Counterintel while appearing in the media and writing books - WTF and how is that allowed in the US govt/military at any time?), same with everyone else that handled or disclosed secrets, judge militarily or criminally where appropriate men and women involved.

    But notice everyone that wants readymade distractions is quick to jump on this story. Yeah, Watergate type hearings on this? Forget the fact that politicians of both parties screw over the vast majority of Americans daily through their direct actions, allow their fellow politicians and bankster and elite buddies to party on (Corzine still free?! Murdoch still hacking phones and bribing cops? Banksters price fixing or foreclosing illegally on soldiers? No investigations and or prison or hearings? Seriously!?) for matters that affect us all. But we need Watergate hearings on this? Hey, during the hearings on terrorism, Libya, and Petraeus, maybe someone in the audience could ask how JP Morgan and Wells and Standard and HSBC and the other banks are being punished for laundering terrorist money because those banks take our money and help arm our enemies, so that involves politics, the economy, and our safety - that seems to be more important and cover the topics they want to talk about. Or how Koch is being punished for trading with Iran as recently as 6 years ago in direct violation of sanctions while Iran arms Hamas and has weapons factories in Sudan and arms the radicals throughout the Middle East region. Or is that not the "terrorism" that the honest Senators and Reps. want to talk about? Will the hearings cover reports that we are actually arming Syrian insurgents that include Al-Qaeda with Saudi Arabia and others funneling the weapons (without us even knowing who winds up with the weapons), while Iran is helping arm the Syrian govt.? Kind of twisted, we are arming Al-Qaeda while trying to overthrow a govt. and Iran is arming a sitting govt. We don't even know who to root for anymore. It's Afghanistan 1980s all over again with our enemies winding up with Stinger missiles and us returning to fight people we armed 20 years later when they turn out not to like us too much. The clowns in both parties really are running the circus.

    Reply to: Reads Around The Internets - Orca Gives New Meaning to the Phrase "Killer App"   11 years 11 months ago
  • I have no doubt that a certain small percentage of people abuse Food Stamps but you seem to think it's a lot. Why is that? What percentage of food stamp recipients sell their cards because they have lots of money? I know some sell their benefits at a loss because they desperately need cash -- or think they do (to purchase various substances).

    When you look at how wages have stayed the same or have decreased for many families while the cost of living has continued to rise, we clearly do have many needy people.

    I think the needy are far more important and numerous than the cheaters.

    Reply to: Food Stamp Usage Reaches Record High with 15% of America on Food Stamps   11 years 11 months ago
  • In some cases in New Jersey, the electricity from the power company is back but the electrical panel got damaged by the water that came flooding in. And of course furnaces and hot water heaters will often have to be replaced due to flooding too.

    I don't know how much of the electricity problem is wiring vs. electrical companies. I wish I did know, I've been wondering.

    Reply to: Reads Around The Internets - Orca Gives New Meaning to the Phrase "Killer App"   11 years 11 months ago
