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  • It is not just Portugal; the situation is definitely bad in the whole Europe. I don’t think the situation would be that different from Greece and the Irish Republic. Having seen the solutions of their problems it is very likely that Portugal will have to accept the European aid at some point, too.

    Reply to: Portugal Votes Against "Austerity"   13 years 7 months ago
  • Japan’s damaged nuclear plant in Fukushima has been emitting radioactive iodine and caesium at levels approaching those seen in the aftermath of the Chernobyl accident in 1986. Austrian researchers have used a worldwide network of radiation detectors – designed to spot clandestine nuclear bomb tests – to show that iodine-131 is being released at daily levels 73 per cent of those seen after the 1986 disaster. The daily amount of caesium-137 released from Fukushima Daiichi is around 60 per cent of the amount released from Chernobyl. New Scientist, March 24


    Reply to: Power Corrupts, Nuclear Power Corrupts Absolutely   13 years 7 months ago
  • This is a tragedy!

    Japan’s damaged nuclear plant in Fukushima has been emitting radioactive iodine and caesium at levels approaching those seen in the aftermath of the Chernobyl accident in 1986. Austrian researchers have used a worldwide network of radiation detectors – designed to spot clandestine nuclear bomb tests – to show that iodine-131 is being released at daily levels 73 per cent of those seen after the 1986 disaster. The daily amount of caesium-137 released from Fukushima Daiichi is around 60 per cent of the amount released from Chernobyl. New Scientist, March 24

    Reply to: Power Corrupts, Nuclear Power Corrupts Absolutely   13 years 7 months ago
  • Reply to: Power Corrupts, Nuclear Power Corrupts Absolutely   13 years 7 months ago
  • Reply to: Power Corrupts, Nuclear Power Corrupts Absolutely   13 years 7 months ago
  • Is there any site that publish measurements from soil and water from different parts of the world, like RDTN.ORG does with measurements in air?

    How come noone reports anything about plutonium? Isn´t that strange since it´s dangerous in very small amounts and for a very long time. Reactor 3 has used MOX-fuel and should have realeased plutonium...

    Reply to: New Scientist - Fukushima radioactive fallout nears Chernobyl levels   13 years 7 months ago
  • Solar and wind are small time. We have pumped tons of resources into them with subsidies and they are still one tenth or so of nuclear. Nuclear has not seen a new plant in decades and still provides 20% of our power in the US. Safe nuclear is the only way to stop global warming.

    Reply to: Japan Goes Nuclear Update   13 years 7 months ago
  • Over on Econbrowser is a great post comparing global commodity prices to industrial production as well as the component breakdown of commodities and additional.

    Very useful in terms of the demand side of the rise in prices as well as the highest increasing costs.

    Reply to: PPI for February 2011   13 years 7 months ago
  • We need to find someone or more details on precisely how these MBSes sitting at the Fed/Treasury could magically increase so much in value. I plain do not get it. All last year the "press" acted like the residential real estate collapse was just a blip...
    and the corresponding foreclosures, short sales, mortgages underwater was a "trivial amount" ...

    I can get how mortgages have become divorced from the actual home values....but I can't get how they can increase so much in value with so many people unable to pay, the foreclosure rates and then the underlying assets now worth so much less.

    Even more strange, I cannot find much, even in the financial watchdog, "we don't buy your bullshit", sites analyzing these lastest profit claims.

    Your overall assessment that these banks want their derivatives trading among themselves not impeded and preserving this fiction is clearly a goal and beyond lobbyists buying our government, demanding that it be so, I've yet to read a real justification for it all.

    Reply to: The Great Financial Circle Jerk   13 years 7 months ago
  • This is interesting. Naked Capitalism did some number digging and wrote how Fannie & Freddie are hiding $100 billion in additional losses.

    Reply to: The Great Financial Circle Jerk   13 years 7 months ago
  • It looks like Americans are finally waking up and understanding that spending outside of their means is not sustainable. I know many people that through unemployment, resorted to credit cards as a means to stay afloat financially and have basically ruined their credit. A lot of agencies out there are trying to capitalize on this through offering credit repair services, but the trust is you can do it on your own. First, stop charging more than 30% of your credit extension! Second, get your free, federally mandated credit reports through and look for any incorrect information. Third, pay off your credit card every month! Follow these easy tips and you'll be well on your way toward repairing your credit!

    Reply to: Consumer Credit - October 2010   13 years 7 months ago
  • Surprising, the radioactive iodine is making it to the West Coast. Most of these readings are B.S., it's the iodine one that's super dangerous but if anyone is interested in some real time readings, this site.

    Reply to: Post Nuclear Japan, Pre Disaster United States   13 years 7 months ago
  • Fukushima Engineer Says He Helped Cover Up Flaw at Dai-Ichi Reactor  March 22, Bloomberg

    One of the reactors in the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant may have been relying on flawed steel to hold the radiation in its core, according to an engineer who helped build its containment vessel four decades ago.

    Mitsuhiko Tanaka says he helped conceal a manufacturing defect in the $250 million steel vessel installed at the Fukushima Dai-Ichi No. 4 reactor while working for a unit of Hitachi Ltd. (6501) in 1974. The reactor, which Tanaka has called a “time bomb,” was shut for maintenance when the March 11 earthquake triggered a 7-meter (23-foot) tsunami that disabled cooling systems at the plant, leading to explosions and radiation leaks.

    “Who knows what would have happened if that reactor had been running?” Tanaka, who turned his back on the nuclear industry after the Chernobyl disaster, said in an interview last week. “I have no idea if it could withstand an earthquake like this. It’s got a faulty reactor inside.”

    Tanaka’s allegations, which he says he brought to the attention of Japan’s Trade Ministry in 1988 and chronicled in a book two years later called “Why Nuclear Power is Dangerous,” have resurfaced after Japan’s worst nuclear accident on record. The No. 4 reactor was hit by explosions and a fire that spread from adjacent units as the crisis deepened.

    Reply to: Japan Causes Public Doubts on Nuclear Power - Future of Industry in Question   13 years 7 months ago
  • Texas nuclear plant expansion in doubt CNN Money

    By Charles Riley, staff reporter  March 23, 2011: 1:48 PM ET

    NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- Utility company NRG has put the brakes on a plan to build two new nuclear reactors at its South Texas plant, CEO David Crane said Wednesday.

    High levels of uncertainty in the aftermath of Japan's nuclear disasters have led the company to limit work on the project to the licensing and securing of federal loan guarantees, Crane said.

    No new nuclear plant has won final approval in the United States since the Three Mile Island accident in 1979, although site work is being done at a couple of locations around the country.

    Eighty miles southeast of Houston, NRG (NRG, Fortune 500) wants to expand its nuclear facility from two reactors to four -- in part with financing from Tokyo Electric Power Company, the owner of the Fukushima Daiichi plant that was heavily damaged in Japan's earthquake and tsunami.


    Vox populi

    Reply to: Japan Causes Public Doubts on Nuclear Power - Future of Industry in Question   13 years 7 months ago
  • The entire financial rescue mission, aka bailouts, seems like an effort to preserve derivatives. It would make more sense to rescue the economy by having a giant settlement conference and canceling out the insane derivatives market, which is driving entire nations into insolvency. Another burden for the people to carry for the top 1%.

    Reply to: The Great Financial Circle Jerk   13 years 7 months ago
  • "Public skepticism about government and industry assurances regarding nuclear safety will be far greater after Fukushima I. In a generally industry friendly article after Three Mile Island, the New York Times quotes an Oregon woman living less than a mile from the Trojan nuclear plant. Asked about her confidence about information regarding nuclear safety, June Burnham said:

    "I guess I really don't believe the 'official' word at all," the 48 year old [Oregon] woman said. "I suppose they tell us whatever is necessary to prevent panic." New York Times, April 29, 1979

    Here's an interesting source.  A long time author on nuclear power and the defense industry, Hirose Takashi, did an interviewi that hits some important points, including how to look at toxic emissions from the Fukushima plants.

    What They're Covering Up at Fukushima




    Reply to: Post Nuclear Japan, Pre Disaster United States   13 years 7 months ago
  • I agree with James on his key points. Their corporations and ours are exploiting their workers at the price of quality and integrity. Our only recourse is information and honesty, something their culture is completely devoid of and for that we should recognize and count our blessings. We can't get emotional and play into their passive aggressive hands as a society and as a professional demographic.

    I've managed two large implementations and went along with the offshoring model of leveraging Indian firms for our resources, only to have failed completely once and had to trigger Americans to come in and save the day, and the other was a resounding cluster of mismanagement and half truths put forth by the Indians.

    I think they are racist and very opportunistic, not to mention that they are incredibly dishonest and passive aggressive, they're masters and injecting themselves in organizations and playing one side (management) off on the other (domestic workers). I think they must have a template that they execute these tactics too. Serious.

    Reply to: Indian Offshore Outsourcers Start Propaganda Campaign, Funding Elections to Get Your Job   13 years 7 months ago
  • My story is similar , I fell behind 4 months because my company I worked for 11 years closed due to the recession.I called my servicer Litton Loan Servicing to let them know I started my new job and continued to make payments .Litton would call me a few times a week each time I spoke it was a different person with a different story, anyways they told me I could qualify for a Obama Loan Modification I said is there anyway you could just put this towards the back I made every payment on time for 8 years ??? Litton said to save my house It would be better doing the modification so agreed I made every payment for over a year on time and got a letter stating I was all set. Great I thought BUT a year later I got another letter saying I did not qualify because of my credit report??? then I got another letter saying I did not make my trial payments on time??? In fact I did and they knew i did NOW I'm several months behind( BECAUSE LITTON TALKED ME INTO THIS) but I still make my payment on time every month to find out they want to short sale my house I was told my credit will be ruined if I don't come up with the money??? At this point my house is worth half of what I owe and THEY(LITTON) must be making money on SHORTSALES OR FORECLOSURES! because what other reason would they be doing this??? THERE WEBSITE says they help out homeowners??? The truth will come out soon! it makes no sense short sale my home ??? I'm paying every month WHY? my home needs work ,houses are not selling , no one can get approved for a mortgage(banks are not lending) IS THERE A PROFIT ON FORECLOSING ?? please someone break it down for me! I love my house but if they want to steal it I will go to the attorney general/media/ sell my diamond ring to get the best lawyer to fight this ! PLEASE SOMEONE MAKE THESE SERVICERS AUTOMATICALLY LOWER PAYMENTS A UNIVERSAL 3.5 THEY ARE MAKING PLENTY OF MONEY WHY DO THEY NEED TO MAKE PEOPLE SUFFER! I KEPT ALL MY PAPERWORK EVEN WHEN TITANIUM SOLUTIONS BOTHER ME CONSTANTLY WITH A NEW MORTGAGE WITH 40,000 ADDED !

    Reply to: Where's The Note? Shock and Awe for Big Banks   13 years 7 months ago
  • Join us as we form a coalition in Texas of homeowners who have been abused by the too-big-to-fail (but not too big to take our little houses away from us)we will fight them in class action, individual lawsuits even small claims court!!!!!! we will shame the Attorney General Greg Abbott into prosecuting these thieves!!!!

    email me at
    I am a pissed of Texas Grandmom and I am not going to take it anymore!!!!!!

    Reply to: Supreme Court Tells Fed They Have 5 Days to Cough Up Bank Bail Out Details   13 years 7 months ago
  • As it stands now, this is transitory opinion. However, that presumes that the situation is resolved, that it's shown that everything was done properly in the most extraordinary set of circumstances, and that the health impact is minimal. It also presumes that the look back at Chernobyl that's resurfacing is buried or discredited.

    It is worth imagining what will happen if the situation is not favorably resolved.

    There is a very informative interview with Japanese author on the nuclear industry just out. It sheds light on what we know now about monitoring for radiation:

    Hirose Takashi (Link): I was told by a newspaper reporter that now Tepco is not in shape even to do regular monitoring. They just take an occasional measurement, and that becomes the basis of Edano’s statements. You have to take constant measurements, but they are not able to do that. And you need to investigate just what is escaping, and how much. That requires very sophisticated measuring instruments. You can’t do it just by keeping a monitoring post. It’s no good just to measure the level of radiation in the air. Whiz in by car, take a measurement, it’s high, it’s low – that’s not the point. We need to know what kind of radioactive materials are escaping, and where they are going – they don’t have a system in place for doing that now.


    We're days or weeks away from understanding just the health impact.

    Will they be able to repair the reactors or will they have to encase and 'bury' them? What will the health impact be? These are questions that will drive the outcome of public opinion on this.

    Reply to: Japan Causes Public Doubts on Nuclear Power - Future of Industry in Question   13 years 7 months ago
