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  • Folks if you see a good news report on the real situation with the Nuclear reactors please post it in a comment.

    On the news they seem to go for those "incredible stories of survival" when a nuclear disaster is potentially in the works, oblivion or denial it seems, as if a radioactive cloud is just "midst". (It's Not!)

    Then, I feel it's kind of tacky to discuss what this will cost or how much it will shave off of GDP and find it more appalling that traders are busy shorting Japanese companies and trading on the Yen.

    It's why I haven't written up the economic damage reports simply because it's so horrific and the nuclear situation also means this is unfolding.

    Reply to: Post Nuclear Japan, Pre Disaster United States   13 years 7 months ago
  • Reply to: Post Nuclear Japan, Pre Disaster United States   13 years 7 months ago
  • Here's the reactor information for the site. It's US-Japanese firms. GE is right there.


    Reply to: Post Nuclear Japan, Pre Disaster United States   13 years 7 months ago
  • I agree with 'Anonymous Drive By" above on the quality of the post.

    The good news is that the workers in Wisconsin win in public opinion polls nationwide despite all the attacks. The sad part is that it's a no brainer - no citizen, aside from the Wall Street/Big Bank crowd, should see any reason to support Walker and his creepy program.

    Way back, in the 1660, black and white indentured farmers in Virginia staged Bacon's Rebellion. Under the leadership of Nathaniel Bacon, they revolted against the British Governor of Virginia, took and burned James town and threw the British out for almost two years. When the British returned, loaded for bear, they retook the fiefdom for Governor Berkeley. The British immediately set in motion policies to turn white farmers against blacks, fearing a unified effort in the future. As the nation grew, each new wave of immigrants was the object of prejudice from the previous wave, all part of the plan to keep workers separated. Today, we have the same thing, people willingly by The Party and it's minions.

    One of the outcomes of this site is, hopefully, that people will realize that is is "them against us" in the ration of the top 1% versus the rest of us.

    Ignorance is not bliss, it's slavery.

    Reply to: Wisconsin Union Battle Pits Worker Against Worker   13 years 7 months ago
  • I just don't get these people and why they go into denial on something so deadly and deadly basically longer than man has been on the planet.

    Hey, rate up my WI post! ;)

    Reply to: Post Nuclear Japan, Pre Disaster United States   13 years 7 months ago
  • Here's an interesting graph I didn't think I could use. It shows seismic risk and university research reactors. Cascadia has a few.

    The composite maps are from two separate maps presented by Andrew Schenkel at Mother Nature Network

    Reply to: Post Nuclear Japan, Pre Disaster United States   13 years 7 months ago
  • They seriously are the most prepared nation for this type of disaster so the lack of real information on the nuclear information is frightening.

    So much for safety. I've never believed in nuclear power simply because of the half life of radiation, although oil spills have been estimated to be more deadly.

    But Japan sure isn't any Russia in terms of engineering generally so the fact we're hearing "meltdown" and "sea water" and these press releases claiming "don't worry, the radiation won't come over to the west coast of the U.S. is frightening.

    Also, in terms of just an Earthquake, Tsunami, Japan is so much more prepared. Notice those skyscrapers, bridges did not fall, even with (eye ball estimate) 34 feet tsunami waves. Absolutely amazing, everything else around them was taken out like matchsticks.

    But to me that shows their advanced civil engineering ....

    Don't expect any miracles like that if the Cascadia fault happens....more the entire region will simply be wiped off the face of the Earth.

    But to put Nuclear reactors on and near fault lines is just beyond stupid.

    What was that line, it's not what we know we don't know, it's what we don't know we don't know that will kill us...

    something like that, but points to the grandiosity of man.

    Reply to: Post Nuclear Japan, Pre Disaster United States   13 years 7 months ago
  • Please clarify -- your second sentence seems to suggest that as many as 10,000 may be dead on account of the Fukushima power plant explosion, when in fact the number of deaths due to that particular incident is less than 10, and the number of people possibly exposed to radiation is less than 200. The high mortality rate is due to the tsunami triggered by the earthquake.

    Reply to: Post Nuclear Japan, Pre Disaster United States   13 years 7 months ago
  • Are any of these reactors a) made by General Electric, and if so b) of the same model as those now failing in Japan?

    Reply to: Post Nuclear Japan, Pre Disaster United States   13 years 7 months ago
  • This article is the very best I have read at explaining this new GOP experiment. As noted above all my neighbors are republicans waiting for Social Security to retire.

    I'm Union, my neighbors HATE Unions. Were paid too much. They don't have health care and believe Union members don't deserve it. Now because of all the political spin by the big guns (Carol Rove and Company) people somehow think that unions created this mess.

    They are not even happy the car companies are coming back, I believe they would rather see them fail just to make OBama look bad. I watch 5 different news channels
    and fox news-glen beck is the least reliable.

    I believe if the Unions are crushed, then the GOP will go after minimum wage, social Security, medicade all the social saftey nets. Then they will have to take our gun rights away . . .they will have to so they can weaken the lower case (X-middle class)

    Yes I believe this is a well planned event. 2012 should be very interesting. Please keep publishing

    These are some sad times in America . . . people are going hungry and also the unemployment rate went down because of all the 99ers falling off. Compare the new jobs and it's plan to see. That would be a good article " How the 99ers improved
    the Jobs outlook"


    Reply to: Wisconsin Union Battle Pits Worker Against Worker   13 years 7 months ago
  • wages. Just because this is a public service does not mean those dues are not from their own pockets.

    As far as Democrats goes...and? Shall we list the corporate donors to the GOP? As far as unions getting any real bang for their buck here in terms of funding Democrats, hmmm, sure seems the payoff for corruption goes to the corporate lobbyists who seem to get any thing they write the check for and that corruption knows now political flavors.

    We already did wages as have many others, they are paid the same or less.

    Seriously, you typify the very reason for this post....public workers are not your problem it is the large corporate multinationals and their agenda.

    For example, anyone aware the U.S. Chamber of Commerce loves illegal workers, unlimited migration, foreign guest workers, all for the purposes of cheap labor?

    Their power trumps union influence.

    Reply to: Wisconsin Union Battle Pits Worker Against Worker   13 years 7 months ago
  • i missed the part about unions being bed partners with democrats.i also missed the part about state union dues being tax dollars. i guess it was somewhere between charles koch and david koch.also missed the part about how much a worker "takes home" after all contributions compared to non union workers.

    Reply to: Wisconsin Union Battle Pits Worker Against Worker   13 years 7 months ago
  • Firstly, somehow I don't think a child is at fault, regardless of what a parent does...
    but maybe you haven't been paying attention here. The mortgage crisis and financial Armageddon was not caused by "people reaching beyond their means". this is about jobs and wages and benefits. We and many others have miles of articles, facts, statistics showing this is simply not the case.

    A card board box is not a $500k home.

    So, where are these same anonymous drive by comments when we have posts showing it was derivatives, Countrywide, mortgage originators, the credit rating agencies...

    but put up a post about a child's future being slashed and you can bet some commentor will claim somehow that kid "deserves it".

    It makes me embarrassed to be an American to see this mentality.

    I don't know what is wrong with people these days. Maybe ya all need to go to a church and contemplate being in someone else's circumstances. Maybe then you might realize the phrase there for the Grace of God Go I.

    Are Earthquakes Japan's fault next? How about famine and crop failure? It that someone's fault that a plague of locusts descending upon the field?

    Seriously, may ye reap what ye sow in empathy.

    Reply to: That Must Watch 60 Minutes Poverty Segment   13 years 7 months ago
  • The video should have been called "What happens when you live beyond your means".

    Many of the people that have lost their homes in the last 5 years never had the money to buy one to begin with. You bought a house and decided to start a family with 3 kids with a job as a car detailer? A construction worker with 5 kids? Seriously?

    With unions dying out, corporate greed at all time highs, and the middle class being taxed into slavery why would anyone be shocked at anything in this video?

    Reply to: That Must Watch 60 Minutes Poverty Segment   13 years 7 months ago
  • and I dare say the Progressive/Populists almost ignore women as workers, so I called it what it is.

    Anyone believing this is not true, I challenge you to trust your car will be fixed by a woman mechanic. Seriously, find a woman mechanic and see why your gut reaction is. Or a women electrical contractor or even a woman fixing your computer or a woman architect to design your house....anything "mathy" or "fix it".

    Report back here your gut reaction and that includes all, women can discriminate against women as easily as men can.

    If you have a gut reaction this female cannot possibly fix your car....Q.E.D.

    Reply to: Women Still Getting the Screws Financially   13 years 7 months ago
  • Older women are more likely to have no retirement. They often take time off for care-giving. Unlike their Mother's generation, they are more likely to be divorced without a home leading to poverty in old age. Thanks for this.

    Reply to: Women Still Getting the Screws Financially   13 years 7 months ago
  • ...I think the intention was to release the Euro on par or sightly above the $. It temporarily was being traded at near the inflated number you mention, but quickly fell to $1, and then fell well below the $ for the next couple years. Since the 2000-2002 period our currency has lost roughly 40% of its value. Please see the chart at the following link which better portrays what happened (you have to set the graph at the MAXIMUM time period) >

    Reply to: Bait and Switch - Stealing from Social Security to Pay for Wars and Bailouts   13 years 7 months ago
  • If you are working class, did you ever discuss with your supervisor, by yourself: your wages, working conditions, and benefits? If you did have this discussion with a manager, how did it go for you?

    Reply to: Wisconsin Does the Nasty Against Labor   13 years 7 months ago
  • You write such insightful comments and add to EP. Would you please consider getting an account and signing in? That way you bypass CAPTCHA, plus the moderation queue, on anonymous comments, plus would have the ability to track on your comments, see replies and so on.

    Love to have you more "interactive" on the discussion.

    Reply to: Wisconsin Does the Nasty Against Labor   13 years 7 months ago
  • It's one in 4 kids are under the poverty line in the United States and in that 25% there is a subset that have no shelter at all.

    Thanks so much for spotting this and commenting, that's a major error and now corrected in the piece.

    Reply to: That Must Watch 60 Minutes Poverty Segment   13 years 7 months ago
