Recent comments

  • Hi ya,

    I have found one bug and if you noticed, I'm trying to do something to migrate to .com from .org, which I'm working on as well.

    Right now we have a bug with the post image/file uploader writing into the posts. I'm working on this and I hope if there are other bugs people tell me about them.

    Reply to: Major Site Administration News   14 years 1 month ago
  • You are exactly right. Until we "evolve" into a more mature species, this raping of earth will continue. And your man Obama thinks corporations are just the thing to help make for a better society.

    Reply to: The Economics of Ecology   14 years 1 month ago
  • Folks, we have a big problem. Everybody uses photobucket image shack in order to make their articles portable. That said, because of the response and load times of these sites, they are slowing down EP to a crawl.

    This site can host your images. Click on the "insert image" at the body of the post, you can upload and insert them.

    Another problem is people are not formatting images correctly and that slows down the site page load.

    Please put both width and height dimensions, the alt="" tag and the end tag.

    If you use the image uploader it will do all of that for you, but when using hosting images, you must modify the code.

    Did you know that when a browser has a properly formatted image link, with width and height, it can then put the image in the background of a download and the page loads much faster?

    There are other bigger page load problems and I'm working on those, but we LOVE images and graphs on EP right? So, let's figure out a way to keep that happening but help out the page loads.

    We are listed as an economics education blog, all because we have so many graphs and stats in our posts.

    Reply to: Images - How To   14 years 1 month ago
  • This is the elephant in the room that nobody will talk about. Nobody, absolutely nobody will talk about Spain, except to tell the world that 20% unemployment, 3 million empty houses, a Cortes (Parlaiment) full of idiots, and a collection of lying banks is nothing to be worried about.

    Of course. Why should we worry.

    When Spain goes to the wall, it will be an absolute nightmare for Europe.

    Reply to: Spanish banks staring down the barrel of insolvency   14 years 1 month ago
  • there are also dead zones off the Oregon coast and Halibut stopped. there is also pollution from China that blows into the Pacific. Then, they clear cut, which the ecology of the NW requires the salmon, the cedar all to be there, else you get...
    mudslides and that causes massive damage.

    People are stupid. You'll see people clear cutting their yards to sell the cedar, absolutely sad.

    Reply to: The Economics of Ecology   14 years 1 month ago
  • The last bit of faith I had in Obama disappeared. So many times I have read that our two party system is just a dog and pony show and that the politicians on both sides are just in it for themselves. We are at their mercy and there's nothing that we can do about it.

    Reply to: Triumph of the Money Party!!! Warren's role downgraded, reports to Geithner   14 years 1 month ago
  • Honestly, I don't know if this is ok or she's sidelined. I mean Geithner as boss, she would have to be sidelined.

    But, are they telling the truth they really cannot get her confirmed in the Senate?

    I mean we already know how corrupt Democrats are (Republicans a foregone conclusion) which is why we could not get real financial reform.

    But confirmations are a different story.

    Reply to: Triumph of the Money Party!!! Warren's role downgraded, reports to Geithner   14 years 1 month ago
  • I'm still working on the domain issues. I'm wanting to move the top level URL to .com from .org, since we're really not a non-profit.

    Let me know of any other problems and I am ESPECIALLY interested in page loads, the speed of the site.

    No one is commenting, so I'm going to assume it's ok but how fast the pages come up is something I am very interested in now that the resource/server issues seem to be fixed.

    There are a bunch of issues going on that I am addressing.

    Don't worry, be happy on the technical details, but this site now has it's own server and the reason is the traffic, which is why I'm asking about how fast the pages load for you.

    I am aware there is a domain conflict going on and that's because I'm trying to transition to the .com from the .org

    so anybody really stuck to the point they cannot even email,

    use oak.robert

    that would be the extension.

    Reply to: Major Site Administration News   14 years 1 month ago
  • I logged in to write this note and it seemed allright.My campaign website was a bear to set up but probably isn't as tough as you have it.I don't know all the tech lingo and don't know if godaddy would work for you with your needs.The tech staff helped me with all my questions and very reasonable on price.I have had days where I recieved 20 plus hits in a day and no problems,I have yet to be contacted by MSN thoughTEEHEE.I hope this was helpful

    Reply to: Major Site Administration News   14 years 1 month ago
  • You might notice a switching between .com and .org. As long as you can access the entire site, don't worry about it, it's all the same site.

    I'm considering making the mainURL for the site .com instead of .org because we're not a non-profit and .com is much more common.

    Long story why I didn't start out with .com as the main URL but since we're switching servers I want to see if I can swap the .com and the .org as well.

    Reply to: Major Site Administration News   14 years 1 month ago
  • If the broad base of people are in favor of a fair society that encourages true competition and manages to care for those who are in need, one that behaves itself in the world around it, then there's plenty of room to collaborate. Labels shouldn't matter.

    But when we're in a period like this one, where the results are always headed in the wrong direction, it's time to share the critique with the official parties and demand better performance.

    Reply to: Triumph of the Money Party!!! Warren's role downgraded, reports to Geithner   14 years 1 month ago
  • you picked the worst time! I'm migrating to a new server! Don't worry your post will be on the new one.

    Also, this article is a blog post, because it's opinion, policy and in depth.

    Don't worry about it, I'll move it later but we try to put etheir economic report analysis in the forums or short articles and the bigger articles as blog posts.

    That's because blog posts naturally get more reads on the site.

    I think if we divided up all of the money given to the banks and the rest to every American, it would have been the Stimulus from Paradise and everyone would have been as rich as if they had won the lottery.

    What a waste. Even worse, they are not going to prop up home prices, which is what much of this was about. Even on the legimate reason, they are throwing good money after bad.

    Love your name!

    Reply to: HUH? or Help for Underwater Homeowners in the U.S.   14 years 1 month ago
  • Bankruptcy law, consumer finance law, business law.....all of these require a deep understanding of the law.

    There are all sorts of lawyers, and areas of specialization in which you have to actually know the topic area.

    Case in point is intellectual property attorneys, they often have an engineering background, else they could not assist with patents.

    Reply to: Elizabeth Warren in Obama Administration, Friend or Foe?   14 years 1 month ago
  • ...and something really needs to be done and done now. These current political parties are destroying this country. There needs to be a new party with its main and possible sole focus being economic populism. I really believe the social issues are being used to divide people who have common economic interests. Regards,

    Reply to: Triumph of the Money Party!!! Warren's role downgraded, reports to Geithner   14 years 1 month ago
  • If this woman is nothing more than ANOTHER law professor, what the heck does she know about finance and economics?

    Reply to: Elizabeth Warren in Obama Administration, Friend or Foe?   14 years 1 month ago
  • The test site (ignore the content, this is the test site), is now live on

    This is NOT the real site, which is here.

    Anybody reading this, esp. those who have accounts on EP, I could really use some feedback on page loads, making sure you can log in on the test site, making sure the email to reset passwords is sent to you and so on.


    The database on the test site will be replaced with the most recent entries from the live site, so any changes you make on the test site will be lost!

    If all is good, I plan on migrating over the site this evening to the new server.

    If I don't hear anything from people, well, I sure hope we don't crash in the process, but it would be very nice to find the bugs before I move over the site!

    Reply to: Major Site Administration News   14 years 1 month ago
  • Officially the Economic Populist is not partisan. There is good reason for that. While many authors either come from or have written on the "left" political blogs, many, many times, economic theory and reality have been ignored on the left and instead economic fiction published, trying to justify some sort of political agenda.

    Needless to say we can count and say the same thing about the right blogs and we can assuredly state this as fact from the financial press and especially cable noise.

    So, you're right at home, focusing in on the money party. That's the problem. While I think all of America, the middle class, know what the real issues are, we have a very controlled media, with controlled messaging, trying to claim the issues are some sort of "left", or "right" or "centrist" (to me that's code for corporate corrupt!) and then they use issue du jour, usually non-consequential and trivial, to prattle on during a news cycle...against diverting us from the fact the banks just got trillions in loans from the Fed or a bunch of corrupt CEOs just got bonuses while we have record poverty now in the U.S.....

    So, the point of EP is to put the focus on actual fact, actual economic results, cause and effect of policy x, what works, what does not...with the desired goal to increase the strength of the U.S. middle class and thus increase the strength of the U.S. economy as a macro economic whole.

    Reply to: Triumph of the Money Party!!! Warren's role downgraded, reports to Geithner   14 years 1 month ago
  • And I like to focus on what The Money Party does, that bipartisan coalition of Democrats and Republicans that perpetuates the rigged game that the owners win every time. They're even congratulating themselves on how smart they are, forgetting they rigged it that way in the first place.

    The Democrats are virtually useless, other than not being barking at the moon crazy on social issues. War, bailouts, and nothing for the people. That's their continuation of Bush.

    Reply to: Triumph of the Money Party!!! Warren's role downgraded, reports to Geithner   14 years 1 month ago
  • I think you are right on target. Put a muzzle on her, short leash, they think.

    The interesting action to watch is what Warren does. Will she just take it or will she quit to make a point.

    I don't know but I'd hope the latter option emerges. We'll see.

    Reply to: Triumph of the Money Party!!! Warren's role downgraded, reports to Geithner   14 years 1 month ago
  • What a sorry story. I was not involved, thank goodness.

    The vested interests continue to call the shots, down to the handling of Warren, who is now a virtual "non-person" in the government.

    Mission Accomplished!

    Reply to: Triumph of the Money Party!!! Warren's role downgraded, reports to Geithner   14 years 1 month ago
