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  • Anything to say on topic?

    Reply to: Triumph of the Money Party!!! Warren's role downgraded, reports to Geithner   14 years 1 month ago
  • If nobody helps me test the test site, well, you're going to have to live with the bugs as they pop up and I set out to fix them.

    I'm looking to migrate the site over to the new server, if all goes well, in the wee hours of Friday morning.

    Reply to: Major Site Administration News   14 years 1 month ago
  • I'll have more on these events but of course China is out to capture advanced R&D. Anyone visiting China's trade areas, it looks modern, the U.S. looks like decay.

    I should mention India also stops at nothing to try to capture all I.T., Tech, engineering and services.

    Basically China is trying to capture advanced manufacturing, R&D while India is trying to capture all engineering related and I.T. related services, as well as professional services.

    Meanwhile the U.S. hemorrhages and the government does nothing except maybe proclaim how great it is the U.S., by exporting jobs, is helping other nations create middle classes while we all sink into poverty, the proletariat.

    Reply to: Geithner Hearts China with Tough Love?   14 years 1 month ago
  • I don't know the details of the Delaware vote but I suspect it was bankster corruption. In other words people are voting for a potted plant rather than vote back in a corrupt representative who gave the Banks so much money.

    The problem with debt is, stimulus spending isn't supposed to be spending for spending's sake, it's supposed to be directed spending that invests in the nation to pull it out of recession and it's supposed to be temporary spending, not permanent.

    I can understand why so many are completely up in arms on government spending, I mean it's frightening. But the problem is to raise GDP and push up aggregate demand, a nation does have the ability to temporarily increase government spending....that said, the spending has to go directly into the pockets of workers and into public works, investment in America.

    Giving money to banksters, who then horde it, buy derivatives with it is not stimulative spending.

    It seems the entire country is royally poed about the lack of real financial reform and giving the Banks carte blanche.

    Reply to: "There Is No Economic Justification for Deficit Reduction" Galbraith to Deficit Commission   14 years 1 month ago
  • The base called for her appointment. Appointment to an agency needed to go through the Senate where they have hundreds of appointees who passed the House sitting for two years waiting for action. There is bitterness about the Senate stonewall. So she has a job creating what she wanted. I am happy she is there and not beginning the semester at Harvard. The left gets lost in their Kabuki. Time to focus on what the GOP has done over the past two years or watch the left disappear when the GOP takes over once again. The GOP fights dirty and better than the Dems.

    Reply to: Triumph of the Money Party!!! Warren's role downgraded, reports to Geithner   14 years 1 month ago
  • Elizabeth Warren will be controlled by Obama and Geither.
    Warren has been openly critical of Geithner, calling him out on funding AIG. So when you put EW under Geithner and remove her from CBO, you get much better control and you get silence from an important critic of Geithner.

    Best still, they can fire her.

    Reply to: Triumph of the Money Party!!! Warren's role downgraded, reports to Geithner   14 years 1 month ago
  • The one chance at transparency and ....****POOOF****....

    This is what Charles Keating was trying to accomplish when he launced his attack on Bill Black.

    Shows how much stronger the vested interests have become.

    PS - belated Happy Lehman day (the one where the US Government gives out billions to those who brought about the collapse) - How'd you make out?

    Reply to: Triumph of the Money Party!!! Warren's role downgraded, reports to Geithner   14 years 1 month ago
  • Hmm

    I may be a simple person as opposed to the knowledgeable people who are on these committees but; it seems to me that the United States is in some serious debt and now they say that the only way out of it is for Americans and business owners to go into debt. It honestly sounds like more of the same to me.

    Reply to: "There Is No Economic Justification for Deficit Reduction" Galbraith to Deficit Commission   14 years 1 month ago
  • "An interim appointment would have given the no-nonsense Warren the full authority to structure consumer bureau in the interests of the people"

    No such position exists under the bill. The only way under Dodd-Frank bill to get her into the CFPB w/o senate confirmation is to install her under Geithner. Under Section 1031 of Subtitle F, Geithner is the transitional head of the CFPB. The only way to get Warren into the CFPB, then, is to give her a position in Treasury under him.

    Reply to: Triumph of the Money Party!!! Warren's role downgraded, reports to Geithner   14 years 1 month ago
  • EP has done an excellent job of covering Warren. She's smart and tough and, most importantly, intellectually honest. That's why they had to marginalize her.

    We're supposed to think - Oh, Timmy will pick on her but Barack is there to protect her and make sure she gets her way. Give me a break. This is disgusting.

    I predict she'll resign in a storm of controversy.

    Reply to: Triumph of the Money Party!!! Warren's role downgraded, reports to Geithner   14 years 1 month ago
  • Have you seen her on the COP panel (I've overviewed many of those hearings and reports) grilling Geithner and now he is her boss?

    Frankly I think she should just go back to Harvard than deal with that. I mean they sidelined Volcker, they have the queen of offshore outsourcing on that team...

    Not saying that Warren isn't tough as nails and assuredly navigated many a rough waters...

    but would she even be able to influence at all Obama? I doubt it, esp. considering his positions and who he choose in the first place on his staff.

    Reply to: Triumph of the Money Party!!! Warren's role downgraded, reports to Geithner   14 years 1 month ago
  • If you see this email me offline. I'm going to need a few people to just test out the new site before the final move. I'm checking a lot of features but how it goes, the feature others are using is the one that breaks and I do not check.

    Reply to: Major Site Administration News   14 years 1 month ago
  • going to be slow authoring while I'm working on this. This is a full bore server, plus a port of a very complex site, so lots of bugs and configuration fun.

    Reply to: Major Site Administration News   14 years 1 month ago
  • they seem to be determined to spend our retirement money and set it ablaze on the never ending casino roulette wheel called the stock market.

    Reply to: "There Is No Economic Justification for Deficit Reduction" Galbraith to Deficit Commission   14 years 1 month ago
  • If so, you have to factor in the accumulated surpluses (with interest) from past years. The "unified" budget has been with us since the LBJ years -- SS is lumped in with other revenue streams, and since the 1980s, SS has been defined as part of federal retirement programs, The integration of SS and federal employee retirement system was an act of the Reagan Administration. Thus, it is a contract -- as much a legal and binding obligation of the United States as Treasury bonds. It is not contingent on "pay go," amy more than Treasury bills.

    Reply to: "There Is No Economic Justification for Deficit Reduction" Galbraith to Deficit Commission   14 years 1 month ago
  • Democrats have controlled congress since January, 2007, Bozo.

    Reply to: House discusses 401k/IRA confiscation   14 years 1 month ago
  • Of course things are not going smoothly. I'm still working on it, the email system on the new site is broken, which is a show stopper before we can move over.

    I've run some test page loads and the site is about 5x faster on the new server. Hope that stays true, but the move is still in process. No surprise, this site is Drupal based, notorious!

    Reply to: Major Site Administration News   14 years 1 month ago
  • are what got us into this hole in the first place. But neither party will deal with China, trade and offshore outsourcing.

    Reply to: Poverty Hits Record for 2009, 1 in 7 Americans are Flat Broke   14 years 1 month ago
  •   What I don't get where they come up with the limit of 200,000 for single filer and 250,000 for joint filers.A small buisness can reach that limit or more importantly want to go over that limit,after all I am sure a business doesn't want run their business with the priority of not going over.The best bet without a doubt is to raise that limit and keep the tax break for the lower bracket,not playing politics just to get elected.Lower income brackets spend far more of their disposable income than the higher brackets.Time will tell what they do because I assure you that they are more concerned with lobbyests intrests than the average citizens.

    Reply to: Poverty Hits Record for 2009, 1 in 7 Americans are Flat Broke   14 years 1 month ago
  • The largest spending program in the US -- the defense and "homeland security" budget -- has been placed off limits. The subject is never even raised in discussions of "solving the budget crisis." The bloated and out of control military/police budget will bring this country to ruin long before meager old age pensions ever would.

    Reply to: "There Is No Economic Justification for Deficit Reduction" Galbraith to Deficit Commission   14 years 1 month ago
