Recent comments

  • Well folks, after spending 4 days researching out web hosts and configurations, reputations and all of that rot, I finally started the move.

    Hopefully you won't notice a thing! Because this is Drupal, odds are there will be problems but hopefully all of that will behind the scenes.

    You should be able to just go ahead, use the site, write what you will. I will attempt to capture every post, article and comment to make sure it's all available, seamless transition to the new server.

    When we're up and running on the new server, I'll post a comment saying so. I'll be looking for feedback on page load, site speed and so on.

    The site initially should look the same but with a VPS, I hope to redesign it for more features, cooler look and so on, which I had to limit due to server load issues.

    Thanks again for donating! Hopefully this increases site usage and traffic so the server costs down the road are paid for. But you all came to the rescue and cover the first two months of server costs!

    Reply to: Major Site Administration News   14 years 1 month ago
  • I am experiencing the same run arounds with this program as prior posts. I lost my job in 2009 and still cannot find f/t employment. I live in Oregon, one of the highest unemployment % states. I have never missed a mortgage payment or been late. I am running out of savings and have called BofA several times asking for temporary assistance to lower my monthly payment until I secure full time work. One BofA employee also told me not to stop paying my mortgage, which of course I did not do. He said I didn't quality for the program unless I missed payments. I began filling out the paperwork last April 2010 for the HOPE program. As of last week, my file is in "review".

    So I agree, where did the stimulus money go for these homeowner assistance programs.

    Reply to: HOPE Program Hopeless   14 years 1 month ago
  • If the Dems lose in November, this committee will be in charge of the US. Get a clue.

    Reply to: "There Is No Economic Justification for Deficit Reduction" Galbraith to Deficit Commission   14 years 1 month ago
  • When I'm reading to migrate the site I'll post something about it. I should be able to capture any posts or comments to make sure all is transferred.

    The problem is there are 12,000 bad web hosts out there so I've had to do a lot of research to make sure we're not moving from frying pan to fire. I'm zeroing in on two, so should have it happening Monday or Tuesday.

    Thanks again for donating, for server costs just went way up, but hopefully this will result in more features and faster load times.

    Reply to: Major Site Administration News   14 years 1 month ago
  • So much to disagree with here. I'll keep it to SS.

    SS is not a transfer payment system as you describe. It would be if it was "paygo". But it is not. Consider 2010. For this first time in 23 years we have a deficit. Income from withholding tax is less than benefit payments. The shortfall is only $50b or so. But this is just the first year of 20 that this will happen.

    The shortfall this year is funded through the sale of public debt so that that the bonds held by the SSTF can be redeemed. So, 27 year before the fund is exhausted we are already starting to see the impacts.

    To say that the largest spending program in the US is "off limits" when we talk of deficits and debt is just wrong. It is center stage. And will remain there.

    Reply to: "There Is No Economic Justification for Deficit Reduction" Galbraith to Deficit Commission   14 years 1 month ago
  • It's a real "stimulus." They think that they can make their recommendation to cut social security and continue the subsidy program by almost everyone for the very few, probably in the lame duck session of this Congress. This Zola like indictment of their fraudulent enterprise is a terrific vehicle to beat down whatever they propose. Galbraith has done a great service to the country and citizens. Thank you James K. Galbraith.

    Reply to: "There Is No Economic Justification for Deficit Reduction" Galbraith to Deficit Commission   14 years 1 month ago
  • Well said! They're owned lock, stock, and barrel by the same crew that owns whomever happens to occupy 1600 Pennsylvania avenue. They make up the rules to they win every game and then congratulate themselves on their inherent superiority. It's the greatest "long con" of all time.

    Reply to: "There Is No Economic Justification for Deficit Reduction" Galbraith to Deficit Commission   14 years 1 month ago
  • The Money Party

    Galbraith was majestic in his invextive.  The committee consists of members of the House, a couple of retreads, and the former head of the DLC.  What on earth are they thinking about.

    I couldn't agree with you more on Obama.  Two wings of the same party, just different names to confuse the uninitiated;)



    Reply to: "There Is No Economic Justification for Deficit Reduction" Galbraith to Deficit Commission   14 years 1 month ago
  • The whole of Wall Street is parasitic and really has no role in the real economy - destroys real wealth, creates misallocation of resources on a massive scale, commodity speculation, a multitude of bubbles, etc.

    If Wall Street closed down (ceased to exist because investors see it as the biggest con in history) and we put the appropriate public institutions in place (eliminate usury) to create liquidity for the real economy then we would all be better off. It would be advantageous if each of the States in the US created their own State Bank to support their local economy and eliminated their reliance upon Wall Street usury and financial exploitation.

    Reply to: Have we got your attention now, Wall Street!   14 years 1 month ago
  • i love it...

    Reply to: "There Is No Economic Justification for Deficit Reduction" Galbraith to Deficit Commission   14 years 1 month ago
  • Just to let you know, hopefully you won't notice the change. What's happening now is I've railed up against the limitations of bluehost, I'm shopping for a VPS, zeroing in on a few and hopefully will start migrating the server over tomorrow. If this goes right you should all not notice anything, beyond probably the site down for a small time during the "final transition".

    Server costs are more expensive, which frankly I'm a little disturbed about, it's not like we're the New York Times here in terms of participants and readers.

    I am currently looking for VPS that deals well with what is called burst mode. What happens on EP is we have a loyal audience, participants, which is a consistent number of hits per day, our typical traffic.

    But...periodically we get picked up on by the New York Times or reddit, or some major site, business week, reuters and go on, which spikes out the site hits to their level.

    Bottom line is sometimes our writings get picked up on in the MSM and then all hell breaks loose on the site traffic. So, I had to get a system set up to deal with those spikes, which last maybe a day or 2. We want those spikes. We want to get read by that number of readers, so I don't want the site to crash when that happens.

    That makes this a little more tricky in terms of finding the right VPS and the right resources...

    but I must have our own mySQL server, that I configure. We've just grown too big! (which is a good thing I think!)

    Reply to: Major Site Administration News   14 years 1 month ago
  • From what I can tell, most of the races are your "none of the above". i.e. we know Harry Reid is corporate corrupt, but his opponent is a disaster. That said, getting rid of him as majority leader has it's benefits. If Democrats held the Senate, maybe there is a prayer's chance of getting a majority leader who would actually bring good legislation to the floor for a vote. Majority leaders have enormous power, so as we already know, there are a host of amendments which were really good financial and economic reforms, which were never even allowed a vote.

    Same is true for committee chairs, think Chris Dodd and how financial reform was gutted.

    Then you get the conferees to rectify the differences in bills after they pass both houses. Majority leaders pick conferees and as we saw from financial reform, of course the rest of the gutting occurred after the bill has passed both houses.

    Bottom line, if there are people running out there who are based in economic reality with a focus on American middle class, the real economy, manufacturing, reforming trade and so on, it's perfectly acceptable to write posts about them on EP.

    I think I may know of one, but what I find terrifying is how we have no choice here.

    Boxer has been fairly corrupt, she knows H-1B is a terrible problem for U.S. technical workers, but she's bought and paid for by the global labor arbitrage lobby...
    that said, her opponent Carly Fiorina is the poster gal for offshore outsourcing! At HP she gutted staff, fired people like Schnidler's list, destroyed engineering careers, offshore outsourced thousands and thousands of jobs.

    So....what kind of choice is that?

    Reply to: "There Is No Economic Justification for Deficit Reduction" Galbraith to Deficit Commission   14 years 1 month ago
  • All of this is good news. But our government, and the cabal of private bankers known as the Federal Reserve will not see it that way.

    So instead of a society where the government and it's chartered institutions will lend a helping hand to it's citizens, and help them deleverage, and help them put an end to the largest confidence game in world history, instead of helping, our government will do all it can to go to war against it.

    The Fed, cloaked in nifty sounding terms like "quantitative easing" will print up trillions more in funny-money to bloat bank's balance sheets, so the banksters can search out every bubble they can make to launder that paper from their balance sheets into their pockets. While destroying a generation of savings in the process. Savings, that are to real people, the fruits of a life's work. Real work. Waking up at 6 AM and toiling at a mundane job for decades to make a better life for their children. Wiped clean by a government-enabled cabal of private bankers.

    And it happens at such an unfortunate time in our history to get this truth out. Because completely by coincidence, it happens at a time when the guy in the White House represents the culmination of all the mainstream media's hopes and dreams. This truth is a 1,000 times harder to get out than it would otherwise be, because it stays behind the wagons that the mainstream media has circled around the guy they have a crush on.

    And so the American people have probably never had their pain less validated. The media of yesteryear used to scour under bridges to run a "human interest" story on every homeless person they could find. They have gone from that, to trumpeting up every government-jimmied statistic they can find so as to tell a sinking people how things are actually getting better and better. Don't believe their lives, believe what the media tells them.

    It is a recipe for revolution.

    Reply to: Have we got your attention now, Wall Street!   14 years 1 month ago
  • If more spoke out like James Galbraith, we would be in much better shape. Thanks for this. While I wish Obama had not appointed this commission, reactions like this make it have value. The commission represents much of the worst of the "captured" Congress and needs the curing power of light. Vote in November or accept the committee's continued destruction of the middle class.

    Reply to: "There Is No Economic Justification for Deficit Reduction" Galbraith to Deficit Commission   14 years 1 month ago
  • President Obama is just a Republican in Democrat’s clothing, and his party should lose big this November.

    The Commission on Deficit Reduction, comprised of “lets gut social security ringers,” is just another example, in a long list, of Obama’s perfidies.

    Reply to: "There Is No Economic Justification for Deficit Reduction" Galbraith to Deficit Commission   14 years 1 month ago
  • What I love about this is Nasscom's predictable response. Granted, it is no more self-serving than the politicians and corporations around the world. Add to it India Inc.’s long history of marching in step with US IT companies to sell the fallacy of labor shortage, and I have to find the posturing that's coming from them as rather hypocritical. Given the lack of impact that this bill (largely populist posturing itself) will have on them, this sounds about like if the NRA were to lobby for individuals’ rights to own nuclear weapons—not because it will have impact but to draw a line in the sand at anything that could lead in a direction they don’t like.

    The last line is priceless, "because they need skilled U.S. workers for high-end work that requires a local presence." Since when? These companies do everything they can to not use local workers and now they claim to be worried about this leading to not being able to hire them.

    My suggestion: Raise the H1-B fees to closer to $10K plus annual fees for extensions (if they do not exist) for all such visas (Intel, MSFT, etc.). Since this visa is about filling a shortage, it’s a minor inconvenience vs. not having the skillset at all. Additionally, since these employees are paid at or over market average in high-skill, high-demand jobs, this still only represents a small fraction of the near-to-over six figure salary they are already willing to pay for this talent.

    Reply to: Ohio Bans Use of Public Funds for Offshore Outsourcing   14 years 1 month ago
  • I'm right now hunting for a new home. I'm looking at what is called VPS, Linux based. If someone knows of a good web hosting company, please share, but we need to move up to a VPS due to the site popularity and traffic. There are a lot of bad web hosts out there. Basically I'm going to bump up the server requirements so the site will run faster, load, plus run some of the more sophisticated community site features. I hope to make the first move this weekend.

    Reply to: Major Site Administration News   14 years 1 month ago
  • Just wanted to let you know I love your site and made a (albeit small) donation.

    Reply to: Major Site Administration News   14 years 1 month ago
  • On every report I give a huge warning that this one is always revised, significantly, that there is so much noise you really cannot say much unless you look at the graph over a year (and yes, seasonal adjustments are also adjusted yearly!) and at minimum the 4 week average and even there this metric has a lot of noise.

    If it dropped 100k well, I'd say that's worth looking at but these 20k, 30k variations to me say "oh, they are still firing people, isn't that pathetic".

    Reply to: Behind the lower jobless claims good news   14 years 1 month ago
  • By the way, to go from 1,200 to 27,000 in 40 years means 8.1% inflation because
    1200 * 1.081^40 = about 27000

    Reply to: Why Economic Growth in the United States Cannot Happen   14 years 1 month ago
