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  • Alan Blinder and Mark Zandi wrote a paper proclaiming TARP saved the economy.


    and isn't that incredible, who would guess the recession is over? After all, so many metrics, esp. unemployment show we're all back to pre-recession levels as if after the 2001 time period, things of course return to "equilibrium".

    here are some possible model assumptions, and I find it astounding these two would release
    such number propaganda.

    i.e. was it TARP or was it really Bernanke guaranteeing the money markets?

    I didn't write this up on the site because the assumptions are so flawed and assumed this is just a political stunt to try to claim they "saved the economy" while from all directions people are screaming about saving the corporate elites and the banksters while enabling shipping of U.S. jobs abroad and destroying the U.S. middle class.

    Reply to: Three years later and still nothing has been learned   14 years 3 months ago
  • I am never endingly grateful to the St. Louis Federal Reserve awesome FRED data and graphing database, which is where most of the graphs come from.

    Anyone interested in looking at economic indicator trends as well as money supply, population growth, all sorts of metrics, you can make your own graphs with FRED. I'd claim the learning curve is much smaller than dealing with spreadsheets and graphing from them (Excel, etc.) FRED graphs are amazingly flexible, with even the ability to create your own transformations.

    The learning curve is more to locate the data, the right, up to date index in the right form on the site. It's pretty damn cool frankly and I wish the gov. offered more tools like this for the public.

    St. Louis Fed FRED

    Reply to: Manufacturing ISM for July 2010 - 55.5%   14 years 3 months ago
  • Yet derivatives for the most part are loop holed and not really regulated. The cause of it all and we had lobbyists demanding those remain intact because they are so profitable.

    I agree, it's insanity but we don't have a FDR in the pipeline either, so now what?

    Reply to: Three years later and still nothing has been learned   14 years 3 months ago
  • Great piece.

    It's almost comical at this point. I've long ago stopped expecting our elected representatives to do anything that's in the best interest of their constituents.

    The end result of this charade is that asset prices will go down anyway and we'll have a sovereign debt / currency crisis too. Awesome.

    Reply to: Three years later and still nothing has been learned   14 years 3 months ago
  • no matter what you do. I compare the Internets to the great public bathroom.

    That said, case in point, unemployment, there is no reason to not track immigration status of workers and show that U.S. workers are being displaced by foreign guest workers. They will not due to politics, not what is in the best interest of the U.S. workforce. Same thing with offshore outsourcing. They refuse to track, they deny, routinely millions of jobs were offshore outsourced and U.S. MNCs are busy creating millions of jobs in India, China, Brazil...instead of the United States.

    That's was pissed me off. Visa/MC are literally lowering credit scores if someone uses their credit card in a bar too often or shops at Walmart, yet our government seemingly cannot even get GDP right, one of the most critical economic metrics.

    Google knows when I step up from my computer to use the bathroom, yet the U.S. government cannot even get right top security clearances. Denies them on credit score when obviously a host of people have them, who should not...

    list goes on and on.

    Reply to: Trading Big Brother   14 years 3 months ago
  • If they check where I wander on the internety they will soon see I visit sites like this and consider me a deadbeat and leave me alone.The internet has gone through changes over the years,they used to entice you with free gifts just by filling out surveys.I once started out filling out one but it turned into page after page,so I quit in the middle but too late I had pop up after pop up till I changed my internet address.That put the cabosh on that system.Web crawling bots are the norm now.If I were you I would change your search enjine I have had no problem with yahoo yet.The rumor the F.B.I. bought google,don't know if its true or not was my trigger to change my search enjine.

    Reply to: Trading Big Brother   14 years 3 months ago
  • 269 banks have failed since the start of 2008. 775 banks are on the "troubled" list.
    This article details the condition of the FDIC and what we might expect.

    Reply to: Bank Failure Friday - 5 more bite the dust   14 years 3 months ago
  • Thanks for the offer,all a person has to do to see my website is to type in 87th Assembly wisconsin and my website pops up,I would sooner keep your site pristine and non-partison and honest just the facts.I have learned a lot from your site and I pass it on to whomever I can thats how concerned I am with the present conditions in our country.

    Reply to: Do You Contact Your Representatives for Specific Legislative Action?   14 years 3 months ago
  • if you want, you can write a blog post or point to your election website so people find out what you're about.

    I appreciate the comments too.

    Reply to: Do You Contact Your Representatives for Specific Legislative Action?   14 years 3 months ago
  • 87th Assembly District Wisconsin,I thought last election cycle people would awaken and see the truth,I am not quitting no matter how long it takes and going to do it with just 1000.00 dollars of my own money.First they ignore you,Then they laugh at you,Then they fight you,Then you win.Mahatma Gandhi Keep up the good work Robert your site has been an inspiration to all who read your blogs and articles.

    Reply to: Do You Contact Your Representatives for Specific Legislative Action?   14 years 3 months ago
  • Bob,

    I don't know that such data are available. Someone should be tracking this, but I am not aware who is. Economy is somewhat porous in some places. Software industry has been doing this a long time (US programmers working during the days, Indian programmers working on same product be night) but that was not necessarily to save money on labor. But correlating job loss here with contractors overseas may have escaped attention. Somebody must have tried estimating the magnitude of such displacement.

    Reply to: Initial weekly unemployment claims for July 24, 2010   14 years 3 months ago
  • What office?

    I agree, if you have a few million I"m sure they would listen, else, 1000 emails, 50 letters and town halls, most could care less what their constituents want or think.

    Reply to: Do You Contact Your Representatives for Specific Legislative Action?   14 years 3 months ago
  • The first reason I decided to run for office was the fact that the emails and regular mail I have sent to many representatives over the past year and a half went without any kind of response.I would bet the farm if I sent money I would have been their best friend.So the word contact isn't the best term to use here let's try Did you try to contact your Representative. Frank Rutherford

    Reply to: Do You Contact Your Representatives for Specific Legislative Action?   14 years 3 months ago
  • And then along comes Dewey (a.k.a. "Shorty"), hat in hand, asking the state for a $6,000,000 bailout for a mess Swank neglected to cleanup. What a hypocrite.

    Reply to: The Stimulus is a Farce - Swank Enterprises   14 years 3 months ago
  • Do you have or does anyone have a database of layoffs plus offshore outsourcing numbers from 2007 on?

    first it's hard to obtain these numbers and next they will claim "unusual expertise and skills". Now usually one can disprove those for obviously "PHP developer" is not a rare an unusual skill, etc. and point to 150k engineers with that skill who cannot get a job somewhere.

    But it sure does appear that's what's happening, more offshore outsourcing, more demands that all production jobs are in China, R&D jobs in India and so on...

    i.e. anywhere but the U.S. and anybody but a U.S. citizen mantra/mentality in corporate "America".

    Reply to: Initial weekly unemployment claims for July 24, 2010   14 years 3 months ago
  • Here in South Florida (Tampa Bay area) we have 12 percent unemployment, and the labor arbitrage continues. PriceWaterhouseCoopers is about to lay off 500 high end techs and subcontract the work to Tata Consultancy (IT) in Mumbai. PWC is headquartered in London and is truly global, but the social costs are still local. These layoffs come after Nielsen Media Research which is shifting 170 tech jobs to India, and IDEARC Media (yellow pages) cutting 150 to outsource the work to India. This on top of declining tourism thanks to BP. I understand the "Buy American" Act does not extend to services, but there has to be a point at which such activity at least damages a brand in this country. IMO, there should be some sort of sanction against this corporate behavior.

    Looking at the job loss numbers in the 2007 recession, manufacturing stands out, followed by professional services. Not a good sign.

    Reply to: Initial weekly unemployment claims for July 24, 2010   14 years 3 months ago
  • Mistake on revision percentage change on PCE, it's 38%, not 62%.

    Reply to: GDP Revisionist History   14 years 3 months ago
  • Here.

    Nevada is amazing, what a bubble!

    Then, Business Insider has a global housing bubble choke hold, with global housing market charts and graphs.

    Reply to: $770 Billion in negative equity   14 years 3 months ago
  • I was making up the graphs but CR beat me to it and frankly is much better at Excel graphing than I am!

    Pretty incredible isn't it?

    Reply to: $770 Billion in negative equity   14 years 3 months ago
  • Looks like only 8 out of 60 were right in their guess. The majority, 9, were off by 0.4%. That said, we'll see what the revisions say, for even with 3 versions of quarterly GDP, the BEA further revises the numbers, GDP revisions, info, with a couple of charts.

    Reply to: What is your Q2 2010 GDP Advance Guess for July 30th?   14 years 3 months ago
