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  • You might think there would be the least bit of gratitude on the part of TARP recipients. The entire list of TARP banks etc all requested H1B Visa workers, on new sponsorship Visas in 2009 and 2010.

    Of course Congress did not forbid the TARP banks from using H1Bs, they just wrote restrictions for how they got the H1Bs. The list of top H1B visa sponsors is a list of everybody's favorite motherfuckers.

    Reply to: Goldman Sachs Paid Out $4.3 Billion of U.S. Taxpayer Money to Foreign Companies   14 years 3 months ago
  • First maybe learn how to copy URLs and paste them into comments, and format them.

    (highlight URL) copy, past.

    Formatting is in the user guide on the right hand column.

    Here is the article,
    but it's as a slide show.

    One of the statistics is 10 years old, but regardless, it's assuredly true! The middle class is being wiped out and may already be wiped out.

    Reply to: Why the economy isn't recovering   14 years 3 months ago
  • After Goldman Sachs was bailed out by U.S. taxpayers to the tune of $13 BILLION, they turn around and give themselves half MILLION dollar bonuses! Yet more evidence that the U.S. is governed not from Washington, D.C. but from Wall Street, N.Y. This system, where corporations and government combine their powers, is termed fascism.

    ... Goldman Sachs is on pace to hand out an average of $544,000 per worker in salary and bonuses ...

    Reply to: Goldman Sachs Paid Out $4.3 Billion of U.S. Taxpayer Money to Foreign Companies   14 years 3 months ago
  • "The Middle Class in America Is Radically Shrinking. Here Are the Stats to Prove it"
    by Michael Snyder

    This is a great article. The stats are stunning!

    This would go well in 'instatpopulus', but I don't know how to put it there so this comment section seems a good alternative.

    Reply to: Why the economy isn't recovering   14 years 3 months ago
  • ...I've always recoiled in a horror, and experienced a violent rage, whenever any of these brainless twits describes that neolib/neocon tool, Goolsbee as a "progressive."

    Next they'll be calling Satan a "progressive" - for cripes sake!

    And naturally, that old multiplier effect (and in reverse) has always been beyond the mental range of Goolsbee and his ilk.

    As with BP down on the Gulf Coast, who promises to give to the fishing people, but not too all those small business types who will go belly up due to being indirectly (but directly) affected by the destruction of the fishing and tourist industries, so too have fewer and fewer been able to pay those auto mechanics and pay for necessary dental work when they've all lost their jobs.

    That old darn multiplier effect is just to darn diffictul for those University of Chicago boys.....

    Reply to: Who Killed the Federal Stimulus?   14 years 3 months ago
  • Just incredible, Goldman Sachs has corrupted documentary film maker Ken Burns to make a "documentary" of the history of the company.

    GS has complete editorial control.


    We need a nice pie chart on the global expenditures for lobbying, public relations and marketing, offset by the jobs in the "message control" machine and see how much this kind of stuff eats away at the real economy.

    Viagra anyone?

    Reply to: Goldman Sachs Paid Out $4.3 Billion of U.S. Taxpayer Money to Foreign Companies   14 years 3 months ago
  • When I wrote this piece, Obama's economic advisers, back during the primaries, if I had written this on one of our sisterly political blogs, odds are I would have been banned or cast down as a non-believer "troll".

    (YARFEPTE - yet another reason for EP to exist)

    That said, there are reports they are working on this, simply "re-messaging" and changing the terminology to try to get it past the American people.

    Even I didn't realize how right I was when I wrote the above piece. Which also is upsetting for the political blogs frankly were not doing their job. It was all church of Obama and Hillary was the evil shrew and not a reality check on thy policy, thy economic advisers, thy campaign fund sources or thy voting record shall be uttered!

    Reply to: Who Killed the Federal Stimulus?   14 years 3 months ago
  • I think you are essentially on target, but perhaps a bit confused about the Social Security strategy.

    It's not about "cutting" SS, it's about privatizing (which means handing over to Wall Street the existing SS fund, which is considerable in equity potential).

    Privatization always works out to be a negative and theft from the public, while a giveaway to corporate America.

    It's a lose-lose for the public commons.

    Bush was unable to privatize (corporatize) Social Security, so they bring in the "demo" - Obama - to do the job (which he appears ardently in favor of by all his appointments, especially recently Erskine Bowles and Simpson).

    Just as when Bush #1, George H.W. Bush, stumbled on the NAFTA passage, in comes Clinton/Gore to get the deal done.

    Reply to: Who Killed the Federal Stimulus?   14 years 3 months ago
  • We've written that up previously, that the entire residential housing market is being propped up by the Fed. Meanwhile, the Banksters are using "zero" loans to buy up U.S. Treasuries and making huge profits on the spread. So, in other words, the Banksters just went off gambling with our money while the entire residential real estate market was dumped onto the taxpayer. Fannie/Freddie are over $1 trillion and counting in bailouts.

    Reply to: Stimulus vs. Austerity   14 years 3 months ago
  • Over in the reads page (top link)< is a book, Nobodies, which describes the slavery going on in the U.S. with guest worker Visas (legal) as well as illegal labor.

    Unfortunately the answer given, often by those who care, usually will make the problem much, much worse (unlimited migration and so on), instead we need universal wage labor laws, rights, enforceable, as well as a global wage adjustment leveler to deal with PPP differences and finally development within local, regional and national economies.

    Unlimited migration is actually a corporate agenda, all to further abuse labor, erode wages by controlling the global labor supply, forcing people to migrate for economic reasons and also flooding the labor market with oversupply.

    I consider that agenda one of the biggest attacks on middle classes around the globe.

    But the spirit of the thing, workers are being abused, exploited and these agendas are another term for slavery, the evidence on what's going on around the world is pretty clear.

    Nice to know people are out there watching these, but we're just the watchers and I'm just the documentary hunter, it's the ones making these films where I wish there was a way to give them some revenues for their work.

    Reply to: Friday Movie Night - Big Sugar   14 years 3 months ago
  • The vampire zombie banksters at the GSEs and other banks
    do very little mortgage origination any more. The Fed has now stepped in to take over.

    Reply to: Stimulus vs. Austerity   14 years 3 months ago
  • First I want to say Thank You for this service to provide every Friday these links. The blog post almost always arrives timely MET in my reader so I've no worry what to do on a European Friday evening. Second in regard to big sugar and the Fanjul Brothers there's only one word appropriate: Disgusting. But most probable most viewers are speechless after this display of pure exploitation.

    That said to comfort US viewers: basically our EU common agriculture policy works in the same way. Corporate welfare for the already well-doing agricultural firms. And I'm pretty sure the African illegal immigrants picking citrus fruits in Italy are not better off than their compatriots in the sugar cane fields.

    Reply to: Friday Movie Night - Big Sugar   14 years 3 months ago
  • As far as I'm aware, their FOIA to discover who got around $2 trillion in Federal Reserve bail out money is still being denied.

    Reply to: Who Killed the Federal Stimulus?   14 years 3 months ago
  • The Obama crowd is promoting KFTA and other FTAs. I am not entering conspiracy theory to suggest that the attempt to cut Social Security is done with the full knowledge of making room for new FTAs. Obama himself suggested that Tit-for-Tat on China trade in 2009 was done " so that in the future we can have Free Trade Agreements that folks will trust". He never did tit-for-tat against China trade.

    Social Security is pay-as-you-go, pay for your parents.
    The smaller the job pool, the worse off Social Security. A few of us have noticed the ever shrinking US Labor Force. So cut SS to allow for the current and future shrinkage of the Labor Force, right?

    The Business Roundtable and Chamber of Commerce both claim big job gains for KFTA and more Visa Workers. So if the job gains are what they say, why cut Social Security? It's because nobody believes that BS about jobs from FTAs.

    Obama refuses to retaliate on China trade and every other FTA. So to use Obama's own argument, we must mistrust every new FTA.

    Reply to: Who Killed the Federal Stimulus?   14 years 3 months ago
  • Agreed, but I wanted to point out those economists who support the "deficit mythology."

    And their connections.

    Reply to: Who Killed the Federal Stimulus?   14 years 3 months ago
  • And the reason.

    Reply to: Who Killed the Federal Stimulus?   14 years 3 months ago
  • Fortunately, we don't eat gold. Else, an ounce of gold would have been equal to pounds of flesh!

    Reply to: Wages versus gold: A look at historical data   14 years 3 months ago
  • I disagree with both and the reason is the "policies" are ridiculous. They simply are not dealing with restructuring the economy to create jobs. That's what's needed, not just "spending" or "austerity". This is a false choice to me.

    Reply to: Who Killed the Federal Stimulus?   14 years 3 months ago
  • i always thought that the ratings agencies intentionally have driven down the credit ratings of the auto companies over the last years so the banks could do to the auto workers exactly what they are trying to do to the Greeks; no more health care, no more good wages and benefits and pensions. AUSTERITY. All the while they were slapping AAA ratings on CDO trash.

    Reply to: Slouching towards neofeudalism   14 years 3 months ago
  • I strongly urge any and everyone to peruse this short article at the New Economic Perspectives blog site.

    It is an article by Prof. Galbraith, Lord Skidelsky and Paul Davidson in response to a petition by Alan Blinder, Joseph Stiglitz, Laura Tyson, et al.

    Now this is exactly why I have been qualifying every comment about the likes of Blinder, Stiglitz and Tyson, etc.

    They sign on to this BS misinformation and disinformation regarding the deficit and sucy pay-ahead taxes as Social Security (which would provide Wall Street with a free $1 trillion plus financial pool).

    While I like what Mr. Stiglitz has been saying recently, I have always consider him to be more a "political economist" than a pure economist. A hundred-fold more so for the likes of Blinder and Tyson.

    It is interesting to note that Blinder and Tyson are also members of the Bretton Woods Committee.

    Whereas Prof. Galbraith has been arguing over the years as an economist with a social conscience as opposed to politicians like Blinder, Tyson, Stiglitz and Reich, who tend to follow the winds as they so see fit.

    Reply to: Who Killed the Federal Stimulus?   14 years 3 months ago
