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  • They are trying to destroy the middle class and therefore be politically unopposed as they user a new era of total slavery where only the rich will access to super advanced "life extension technology" that will let them rule forever and along with police state where AI computer systems will watch every move the slaves make and they will be hooked up to an instant kill switch if they even so much give a bad impression to a brain scanning devices (cause you might be a terrorist).

    Sound ridiculous? Well not for them because for them it is merely the goal of every oligarchy since the dawn of time to rule like mythical Gods forever. We are unfortunate enough to live in a time where these lunatics think they can actually pull it off or at least they fantasize about things like this because they are not like us.

    Does anyone here want think these people who raped Latvia and Africa won't go for system like the one I have described? These folks are stone cold killers with briefcases selling economic poison and they know it.

    Reply to: Now that the Banksters Got the Money, G-20 Vows to Cut Deficits by 2013   14 years 4 months ago
  • via Calculated Risk. It's a horror show, their unemployment is above 13% and no end in sight.

    While we're all about econ, I think it's worth a mention that the Nazis as well as Mussolini came into power due to economic conditions originally. Germany was a disaster, hyperinflation and some of the economic programs actually worked...

    of course the evil and horror that followed is unfathomable, but just sayin' a lot of human suffering, revolutions and wars are preceded with economic disaster.

    One of Italy's problems was a massive trade deficit > 5% GDP which cost a huge amount of jobs, created unemployment.

    Reply to: Austerity and Class War   14 years 4 months ago
  • It's now coming out from experts to pundits this bill is simply not going to stop the next crisis. I haven't read the bill details yet but another way to stop a potential crisis is leverage and I don't think those got into the bill either.

    Reply to: Feingold stands up for what is right   14 years 4 months ago
  • Looks like the commies only had to wait until our Economic Elites trashed our own system. But instead of a red flag, we are seeing the Jolly Roger being hoisted. "What is to be done?" as someone once wrote.

    Reply to: Austerity and Class War   14 years 4 months ago
  • They already are. I'm seeing a host of anonymous drive-bys claiming to be lifelong Republicans completely pissed as hell.

    I've seen it on several other blogs. I'm not sure what to believe.
    I mean, we are talking about the Republican Party here. What did these people really expect?

    Reply to: Austerity and Class War   14 years 4 months ago
  • That's why they blocked the UI extension. The corporate tax subsidies to offshore outsource our jobs was removed in the House version.

    They spun it claiming it "raised taxes", uh, yes it deincentivized large multinational corporations from committing labor arbitrage and moving production and thus jobs offshore...

    I think we should be screaming this from the rooftops. Everybody in America is pissed these large companies who use our nation and our taxes offshore outsource American's jobs. That is bi-partisan outrage and if they realize this I am sure they will be screaming bloody murder.

    They already are. I'm seeing a host of anonymous drive-bys claiming to be lifelong Republicans completely pissed as hell.

    Reply to: Austerity and Class War   14 years 4 months ago
  • by way of Calculated Risk. Not only are the GDP reductions about 0.25% of GDP. CR is estimating about a 0.5% drag on GDP from just the "Stimulus" winding down.

    (I have no looked at "Stimulus" because to me it wasn't the right type and the spin was so severe from the White house..ignoring money pouring overseas and not to U.S. workers)...

    But the SF Fed is putting on warnings as well.

    Reply to: Austerity and Class War   14 years 4 months ago
  • You see the problem you are making is a simple one - you are thinking of the greater good. From that perspective austerity under these conditions is insane.

    However, that isn't the way the millionaires in Congress think of it.
    They are looking at things from the perspective of the wealthy elite.
    If you consider things from that perspective then austerity and deflation makes perfect sense.

    Reply to: Creating Budget-Neutral Jobs Policy in an Era of Irrational Austerity   14 years 4 months ago
  • Have been a life long republican. Not anymore. In November, I'll just say NO to the Republicans! Greedy people, have no idea what it is really like to be in our position. I have worked all my life, yes I have been unemployed before, went back to school, got loans to pay for it,worked to 2 part time jobs, no freebies for me, received a 3.56 GPA from the University of Houston and now I'm unemployed and in debt. I'm not worried, I will find a job and then in November I will vote against all Republicans and vote yes to the Democrats. I urge everyone to do the same. See how they like it, when we refuse to pay them.

    Reply to: Republicans kill unemployment extension   14 years 4 months ago
  • Between the massive movement thinking deficits are the issue, when it's clearly the real economy, the Banksters have sucked the life out of it....sure seems like Hooverville is upon us.

    Right now we have all sorts of pundits and even economists claiming "Keynesian" failed.

    Which is why I keep harping they did not implement real Keynes and assuredly handing over so much money to prop up fictional derivatives and feed the banks which (although need to show this) it sure seems this is all sucking funds out of the real economy.

    Reply to: Spanish banks staring down the barrel of insolvency   14 years 4 months ago
  • That's early too. the current trajectory is it will not hit the oil spill are but still impact the efforts.

    Hurricane Alex.

    NOAA predicted a heavily active hurricane season.

    Reply to: Suffering Ado About Oil   14 years 4 months ago
  • He's now corrected his Q2 2010 PCE estimate and it matches mine, assuming there is no change in June. Still, it's probably a good thing there are at least 2 bloggers out there who are actually cranking the numbers directly. Beats the typical MSM just grabbing the first line in the report and writing that up!

    Reply to: Personal Income & Outlays for May 2010   14 years 4 months ago
  • In recent months, Mr. Orszag, 41, espoused deficit reduction strategies in administration debates against those who pressed for more stimulus spending and tax cuts to keep the economy from slipping back into recession. He will leave before the bipartisan debt-reduction commission that Mr. Obama formed earlier this year — and which Mr. Orszag championed — is due to report its recommendations by Dec. 1.

    Orszag Leaving as Budget Director

    Reply to: Q1 2010 GDP 3rd revision - 2.7%   14 years 4 months ago
  • Although the biggest joke was GM claiming to have repaid their loans.

    Besides I wouldn't worry about the US actually doing anything about deficits anytime soon. Orszag is leaving because Summers and Obama are on the same 'more dent = growth page'.

    Reply to: Now that the Banksters Got the Money, G-20 Vows to Cut Deficits by 2013   14 years 4 months ago
  • We fired someone 4 months ago and they were denied unemployment but got on welfare as a single male. He may have lied about assets and such I can't speak on that.

    He's back to work now but he did get it.

    Those rules are probably state by state since states administer that program. So where have you been?

    In RI I believe thats true that people can't get it.

    Just to add though that unemployment benefits for 99 weeks is only 5 weeks short of the limit for families on welfare in this state.

    After say 26 weeks with no success finding work people on unemployment should be made to work part time for government projects.

    Reply to: Senate fails to extend unemployment benefits   14 years 4 months ago
  • The interests of the wealthy are not the same as the interests of the working class. In many cases they are in conflict. Once you look at it on those terms then their actions make perfect sense.

    Reply to: Now that the Banksters Got the Money, G-20 Vows to Cut Deficits by 2013   14 years 4 months ago
  • is such a B.S. phrase. There is nothing "Protectionist" about at least even following trade theory with the goal to increase your middle class and wages.

    They seem to believe trade is for wealth transfer to a group of super elites from the middle classes. Anything else is name called. They use that phrase when they are up to something quite evil and often has nothing to do with true protectionist measures at all. It's so bad, the minute I hear that buzz word, I know there is yet another agenda to wipe out workers and middle classes somewhere.

    Reply to: Now that the Banksters Got the Money, G-20 Vows to Cut Deficits by 2013   14 years 4 months ago
  • The total number of guest workers is higher than that. You have 13 different Visas.

    I do not think that open borders has caused economic collapse. Even with 5% of the total workforce, there is no comparison to the trade deficit, corporate welfare, housing bubbles and scams and the Banksters. Banks were building power, downsizing in the 1980's, long before NAFTA.

    Let's try to dig out accurate numbers. Esp. if one is going to mention anything immigration related. There is so much spin, so much BS out there, both sides, it needs to be accurate.

    Reply to: Creating Budget-Neutral Jobs Policy in an Era of Irrational Austerity   14 years 4 months ago
  • We better be protectionist or we will be thrown into the global feudal workforce. Oh. I think we are there already. So much for "democracy".

    Reply to: Now that the Banksters Got the Money, G-20 Vows to Cut Deficits by 2013   14 years 4 months ago
  • U.S. trade deficit and the China currency exchange rate.

    Shocked me. I cannot believe, with all of the other manipulations plus U.S. MNC's moving to China for various reasons, just one element would wipe out the trade deficit, but it's clearly a much larger variable than one would intuitively think.

    Econbrowser I'd say is pretty "New World Order" in philosophy but they go deep into equations and theory, so it's a great site to read the minimal, or opposing views I think. But I also think they leave out things in some of their analysis, so it takes a lot of critical reading, con mathematicas, to parse through their analysis posts.

    Then, the site has meta tags. If you click on them (it's supposed to work this way but sometimes doesn't) such as currency manipulation, you should get all of the posts marked with that tag.

    It's not working exactly right, for I know there are many other posts with this meta tag. Seems the database, when you put them in, isn't entering the same tag and instead making duplicates. This is a bug I need to fix but for now, it brings up some posts.

    Reply to: Q1 2010 GDP 3rd revision - 2.7%   14 years 4 months ago
