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  • Because both parties don't do anything. Right now they are railing on offshore outsourcing, but they only got to it right before recess. Hire America and Buy American, should have been strictly enforced in the stimulus.

    Btw, we've got some serious B.S. economics papers out there which I hope to get to, claiming "outsourcing is good for America". I'm still working on them, full of flaws, tricks, to make their conclusion match their "data", but that's another thing, one must read everything, and go back to the source with a critical eye.

    Thank David Cay Johnston for this one, thank god he wrote about it.

    Reply to: Wages in America, Most of Us are Have Nots   13 years 12 months ago
  • I vote for the "Throw The Rascals Out" party. Corruption is the leading cause of regime failure, and the regime known for 235 years as the United Sttates of America is threatened by corruption more than any other enemy, foreign or domestic.

    Reply to: Which Party Will You Vote For?   13 years 12 months ago
  • This post is the bottom line. They have made most of us poor. Incredibly most people will vote Tuesday to make themselves and their neighbors poorer still.

    Reply to: Wages in America, Most of Us are Have Nots   13 years 12 months ago
  • Complaining about China's trade surplus is a simplistic and politically grandstanding way of shifting blame.

    As Dr. Michael Hudson has noted a number of times, 'anti-dumping' laws won't bring back American jobs - because even a 30% or 40% import tax will only remove less than 1/4 of the actual labor cost disparity.

    This labor cost is significantly due to housing prices, taxes, and health care.

    Fix the FIRE economy first - by beheading the TBTF part.

    Reply to: U.S. Treasury Secretary Geithner Proposes Balanced Trade   13 years 12 months ago
  • The Tea Party was an offshoot of the Ron Paul movement. They knew it would be infiltrated from the beginning, that's why there was no "center".

    Just my recollection, but the main focus was Audit the Fed. Sure, you've got neo-cons and the media trying to lead the movement, but those who would vote neo-con would vote neo-con anyway -- they are a dying minority.

    The current villification is to go after first responders because of pensions, the next immigrant push will be to replace American police and firefighters.

    Anyway, I see the pro-gun lobby on the side of the people, the ruling party does not fear an unarmed electorate.

    Reply to: Which Party Will You Vote For?   13 years 12 months ago
  • So the Nobel went to Merton and Scholes. They don't do posthumous Nobel prizes, otherwise there would have been three laureates for this work.

    Reply to: What's Behind the Foreclosure Crisis   13 years 12 months ago
  • ...there is literally no Party in this country that addresses this nation's gravest issues. The Republicans seem to be a party of wackos who buy into the multi-national corporate party line. The Democrats seem to be a party of milquetoast "do nothing" politicians who are afraid of their own shadow and also buy into the multi-national corporate party line. We need a Party that focuses on economic issues that matter like trade, domestic manufacturing, job growth, regulation of corporate power, and focus on those issues with a laser beam. These issues will never be focused on as long as the two major parties are controlled by corporate interests. I think it is time to start a new party perhaps called the Progressive Populist Party of America or something like that and focus on these important issues, and I think something like this will have to come from the grassroots and websites like this one.


    Reply to: Which Party Will You Vote For?   14 years 2 hours ago
  • is policy based on statistics, what works, what is needed, immediately, especially on economic policy, for the U.S. workforce, middle class, is simply not on the ballot.

    It's a choice between which special interests do you least object to? The "Tea Party", from everything I've seen is Grover Norquist reinvented, which is the infamous give the money to multinational corporations and uber rich agenda.

    Case in point they are pushing "free trade" and "market principles", which is absurd, the U.S. has biased trade, in favor of multi-national corporations.

    The paleo-conservatives, of which I think Paul Craig Roberts, Pat Buchanan is in that camp, are pushed out from what I can see, it's only huge monied interests represented.

    Reply to: Which Party Will You Vote For?   14 years 3 hours ago
  • to see the link underneath. SEO and any publishers require posts be professionally formatted or they will not parse and index them. Same with graphs, they need to be visible, easily readable.

    Reply to: Measuring "Non - Employment" in U.S. Working Age Adults   14 years 4 hours ago
  • I've assumed that the Gun Lobby Party, referenced in this poll, is pro-gun ownership party.

    Appears as though the SPLC has been successul at branding the Tea Party with the neo-cons (infiltration aside). However, the division (Nov 4 diversity program) will ensure that a lot of bad legislation is deadlocked. No bill is better than a bad bill.

    Google "Oath Keepers" if you want to see who the Globalists and SPLC (Southern Poverty Law Center) fear the most. (First defenders refusing to obey unconstitional orders.)

    Reply to: Which Party Will You Vote For?   14 years 4 hours ago
  • Fixed the raw links in the post -- guess I'm old school -- I like to see the published link match up with the destination in my browser before I click.

    Reply to: Measuring "Non - Employment" in U.S. Working Age Adults   14 years 4 hours ago
  • Quite why the so-called elite think a few hundred thousand short sighted idiots who hold all the wealth and three hundred and twenty million penniless serfs constitutes a viable economy I have no idea. For decades, the American consumer has been the only game in town for foreign companies who manufacture goods for export. In their blind rush to reduce their labor costs, American companies have made substantial profits; but these are short term profits. Once consumer demand in the U.S. is destroyed by unemployment, where will those future profits come from?

    Reply to: This is What the Unemployed Look Like   14 years 5 hours ago
  • One of the two had already passed away and was awarded the Nobel post-humously.

    Reply to: What's Behind the Foreclosure Crisis   14 years 7 hours ago
  • I literally have no choice where I am, or it's a choice between special interests. People are screaming for action on China's currency manipulation, for a U.S. manufacturing policy, for the desperate need to do these now, including for macro economic reasons, GDP, jobs. Yet those very things which could turn the U.S. economy around, they are not even mentioned in this election cycle. I think most voted for Obama thinking he would take action on trade, manufacturing, jobs and instead we got a Wall Street bail out, the financial sector larger (63% of GDP now). Alternatively, Republicans and the tea party are even worse, down more bad trade deals, more offshore outsourcing and more wealth transfer from what's left of the U.S. middle class to the uber rich.

    So, the choice seems to be which special interests do I want in power now, none of which have the U.S. national interests, working America's interests in mind.

    Reply to: Which Party Will You Vote For?   14 years 17 hours ago
  • I see misogyny alive and well in politics. Firstly there was the '08 primaries and I saw serious misogyny from Democrats against Hillary. Then on Palin. She just prattles off nice sounding sound bytes and clearly has no clue as to what she is talking about. That said, it's obvious most tea partiers have no idea what they are talking about. They claim "free trade principles" and they don't see to get there is no such animal firstly, secondly that means trade policy controlled by corporations, their own jobs will be lost.

    So we get sound byte prattles, which are corporate lobbyist generated and most of these people do not know what they mean.

    Fiorina is a clear lobbyist front man if there ever was one, out to offshore outsource more jobs, same with Whitman odds on...

    That said, the "witch candidate" I think they clearly get more crap than males, for there have been many a male, including this election season, which have said more insanity crap than any of these women.

    That's what I see here.

    Reply to: Corporate Takeover Stalls in California - Healhens hold the line   14 years 1 day ago
  • Foreclosure Frauds, Wells Fargo-the Fox in Charge, and Victimization

    “Wells Fargo’s announcement about refiling 55k foreclosures is probably because covering up wrongful foreclosures is no longer effective. Wells Fargo can’t trusted to fix its foreclosure wrongdoings, no more than an addict can be trusted to self-reform. . .

    “Mortgage lenders are not required to know laws - attorneys are! The attorneys made severe errors - sometimes intentionally, since errors help keep the billable tab going, and commit the very frauds that provide basis, defenses, and reasons to attempt negotiating mortgage . .

    Reply to: Fraudulent Foreclosures Running Amok   14 years 1 day ago
  • Palin, the NeoCons are gradually alienating the Old Guard and Libertarian wings of the Republican Party. Eventually there will be an actual or de facto re-alignment of the 2 parties. The labor and some progressive Democrats will increasingly form an alliance with libertarians and Old Guard Republicans. The multicultural wing of the Democrats will form a coalition with the NeoCons.

    Conversely, the Democrats have succeeded in alienating traditional labor and independents to the point where they vote Republican, even while they hate Republicans. So labor/independendents/populists need a new party or a remake of the existing parties.

    The Polar Shift may happen through votes at first, and then through realignment of the 2 parties. On social issues the Libertarian/Labor Party will not take national positions but devolve these to the States. Conversely,the NeoCon/Multicultural party will try to nationalize social issues, and group and identity politics.

    Reply to: Corporate Takeover Stalls in California - Healhens hold the line   14 years 1 day ago
  • I've been trying to improve my life under these circumstances its not just future employers But also some states prevent you from making something out of your life after mistakes or job loss, that has ruin your credit, the St of Maryland prevents you from getting a business license if your credit history is bad, This is why the home improvement issue is so bad with people working with out a license's if my credit issue had nothing to do with me getting a license I would have a license, All I know when people are down and out and are hit hard in life no one cares and we always have to pay by cash or twice as much as someone who's credit is good, To me that is Discriminating and its just not right.. I don't expect anyone to give me anything that I have not worked for its funny how car makers and banks can get a bail out but what about the people who worked hard to build this country.. wheres there help where's my help Mr President...... it just makes me sick but that's OK I'm an a American and I will make it thru..

    Reply to: Rejecting a Job Applicant based on their Credit Score - Discrimination?   14 years 1 day ago
  • After years of attacks against Hillary Clinton to the point of obsession, the GOP realized it had lost the "women vote". First they adopted Palin thinking women were so dumb they would vote for another woman regardless. There were experienced, intelligent GOP women, but they were told to shill for Palin. Now we have Whitman and Fiorina who are the GOP version of Arnie. Notice the media choice for the GOP is now a beautiful black woman. To the base they give up Nancy Pelosi as their current attack object and it seems to work. Their idiot base have no idea what Pelosi has done, but they know they are supposed to hate her and "take back the house".

    Reply to: Corporate Takeover Stalls in California - Healhens hold the line   14 years 1 day ago
  • Right I think that's a lobbyist of one, bought and paid for. I think they also assume people will just believe them instead of reading their economic fiction.

    Weaver, please format your links and display the images by properly formatting them. There is a user guide on the right hand column to help with any formatting issues.

    Please do not post raw URLs/links, and never in a a post, almost never in a comment. Thanks.

    Reply to: Measuring "Non - Employment" in U.S. Working Age Adults   14 years 1 day ago
