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  • ...and do immediate and tangible things to help working and middle class people in a large way. That would have meant upsetting the corporate powers that be, and large financial contributors to his campaign, he decided to help financial institutions rather than the people which in the end resulted in a political catastrophe.


    Reply to: A "Decisive Defeat" But Is Anyone Winning?   13 years 12 months ago
  • ...regarding the myths of the stimulus. It was nothing we didn't know here, but it makes you wonder how this message cannot get out to the people.


    Reply to: A "Decisive Defeat" But Is Anyone Winning?   13 years 12 months ago
  • ...we look like sheep being led to the slaughter!!!


    Reply to: A "Decisive Defeat" But Is Anyone Winning?   13 years 12 months ago
  • Another demographic and why they voted Democrat if this was a referendum on jobs is a good question, for 90% of Black people voted Democrat. Black have been hit the worst, just across the board on jobs, on foreclosures, on economic destitution, I mean it's something like double white people by the numbers. So, when talking about race demographics, it's a "block vote" regardless. Gez, talk about taking a major voting block, based on race, for granted. As a minority block, these guys aren't getting anything done for them economically.

    Reply to: A "Decisive Defeat" But Is Anyone Winning?   13 years 12 months ago
  • The Wall Street Journal has some interactive graphics on the demographics breakdown of the vote. Frankly I need to see these by state and district, county.

    That said, nationally a whopping 68% of Republicans voted on illegal immigration. It was only 8% of the voting reason. 62% voted on the economy with GOP getting 53% of that vote. So, the premise of this political populist rant piece, it's about jobs, is correct.

    That said, 8% voting on illegal immigration and the GOP getting an 18% margin, is enough to swing a lot of elections.

    Hispanics nationally voted 66% for Democrats, 32% for GOP. Unfortunately "other" races are plopped those numbers.

    59% of white people voted for the Republicans.

    I was wondering that last night. Is "amnesty" aka "pathway to citizenship" not only saving Democratic seats on a "blind vote" scale in CA, OR, NV, yet in other states, declaring one is for "amnesty" or "pathway to citizenship" the kiss of death?

    Heath Schuler, NC-11 (D) kept his seat and he introduced legislation that is "punish employers for hiring illegals" in the House.

    But in NV, crazy lady made illegal immigration an issue and the Hispanic vote appears to have saved corrupt Reid's ass.

    In CA, they all are for "pathway to citizenship", so who knows, but it sure seems at least in Nevada, it made a difference.

    I'm sure getting to the truth of this one will be tough, but ya all Feingold was an "amnesty" vote, because in terms of bail outs and spending and foreclosures and Wall Street, he was one of the better Senators...

    So, I'm wondering if we have a split, i.e. if you are "against pathway to citizenship" in CA, you are doomed, yet if you are for it in say Wisconsin you are doomed.

    The on the economy, Dems only lost by a 3% breakdown and considering the Wall Street bail outs, the lack of reform, the bonuses and then "Stimulus" that didn't go into direct hire jobs, the lack of lending to small business and all of the other Democrat screw ups....

    I'd say if Democrats actually started making sure proposals would work and rutted out their corporate labor arbitrage, special interest friends, they could come back.

    That's one of the worst things, Stimulus spending has been vilified when the "Stimulus" was not true Keynesian. An entire approach to helping the economy in a downturn, a major tool, has been vilified because the Democrats did not create a true Keynesian stimulus in the first place.

    Reply to: A "Decisive Defeat" But Is Anyone Winning?   13 years 12 months ago
  • Right, it doesn't seem this election was about actual votes, voting record. There were many Dems who voted against the Wall Street bail outs who got tossed while GOP who voted for the bail outs won.

    It's a mess but as usual, the people lost. I think I can still blame Democrats for not voting in some real reforms that gave an opening to this tsunami.

    But what now Brown Cow? I think the U.S. just took 20 steps backwards into the Bush era and policies.

    Reply to: A "Decisive Defeat" But Is Anyone Winning?   13 years 12 months ago
  • Yeah, I gotta agree, although Grassley has a lot of Populist type votes and believe this or not, he has been very active in sticking up for U.S. tech labor, so I wouldn't put him in the 100% GOP bought and paid fors as you think.

    But Feingold, yet not Harry Reid? What? I think the U.S. Chamber of Commerce had a lot to do with this.

    Vitter as far as I know hasn't met a corporate lobbyist he didn't like but I'm not as familiar with his voting record.

    Reply to: A "Decisive Defeat" But Is Anyone Winning?   13 years 12 months ago
  • Early in 2009 on CNBC, Rich Santori did a rant on the floor of the Exchange posing the question why Santori should pay off the bills of neighbors unable to pay second mortgages on houses with more bathrooms than the rest of us.

    Last night was a prelude to that answer. More comes when all of us will be asked to make sacrifices in benefits to maintain the excessive compensation of the TARP banksters, shielded by Obama's "I am the only thing between you and those folks out there with torches and pitchforks." It looks as though getting in the way of rough justice was the biggest mistake of this Century so far:

    it's all about Klassen Kampf from now on. The bigger mistake of Obama and his bankster friends came from destroying jobs through the criminality of labor arbitrage and corrupt wealth transfer. Twenty Eight percent of the voters identify as Independent, and a majority of that 28 percent voted Republican.

    On the same question of Plutocrat Party demand for sacrifices by the toiling masses to pay the banksters, the French gave a firm 'NON' last week. Fuel delivery was blockaded, gas stations were out of fuel, trains were halted, and three and a half million filled the streets.

    Santori's Rant will be answered by the generation of his children. Those kids will clean the toilets in the same extra bathrooms of their Chinese landlords. Over 100 Chinese Warships with thousands of Marines now on maneuvers in the South China Sea say so.

    Reply to: A "Decisive Defeat" But Is Anyone Winning?   13 years 12 months ago
  • BS

    I have to call BS, on throw the incumbents out, Grassley/Vitter are still here, while Russ gets booted by a low-life prick! 100% Repugs are owned by corpa"rats" while about 70-80% of Democrats are. What a sorry day, bigotry still plays well here in the USA, be it gays, minorities, and the like. We must be getting dumber by the year. The only people that tried something to help, get tossed out and jerks get to stay, makes me want to puke, well the good thing is I deleted Mish's website from my list, I had enough of his crap! After all this, I still don't feel any better.

    Have a nice day!

    PS do like the site!

    Reply to: A "Decisive Defeat" But Is Anyone Winning?   13 years 12 months ago
  • ...Russ Feingold was defeated in Wisconsin. He has voted against every one of these anti-American pro-corporate trade deals, and the voters get rid of him of all people. I was thinking in the recent past if we could only build on Senators like this, and now he is gone. I am more pessimistic about this country's future than I have ever been in my life.


    Reply to: A "Decisive Defeat" But Is Anyone Winning?   13 years 12 months ago
  • First they came for the steelworkers and I did not protest because I was not a steelworker.
    And then they came for the autoworkers and I did not protest because I was not an autoworker.
    And then they came for the assemblers...
    system analysts...
    call centers....
    research scientists....

    Reply to: This is What the Unemployed Look Like   13 years 12 months ago
  • Of all the corporate type Democrats I wanted to see go, there he stays while ind. Democrats in the Senate lost! There is no justice, Harry Reid is a huge reason we did not get real financial reform as just one example. I know his opponent was a crazy lady, but hell, I would have voted a potted plant in myself to get rid of Reid.

    This election is insane. When the unemployment rate is 10.1% in 2012, I wonder what next would happen.

    Reply to: A "Decisive Defeat" But Is Anyone Winning?   13 years 12 months ago
  • I saw on CNN the breakdown was 65% Brown, 31% Whitman (or something like that), so I guess in CA at least this matters. I don't know the rest. That said, firing someone after 9 years, acting like she didn't know she was illegal, I mean that shows more the callousness towards working people.

    On the other hand a Hispanic GOP for New Mexico who is strongly "no amnesty" and a woman won that race.

    I'd say at minimum thinking the CA Hispanic vote says how the rest of the states will go isn't valid. (from AZ/NM).

    Reply to: Corporate Takeover Stalls in California - Healhens hold the line   13 years 12 months ago
  • Not leadership from everything I've seen, so this is pretty shocking. I think Grayson ran a real bad campaign with some insulting ad, so that might explain him, which is a bummer because he fought like hell on financial reform.

    Russ Feingold just lost and lost big. I don't know what that is, on the war he was outspoken but I don't know his voting record.

    It seems some Democrats who voted against TARP, fairly reasonable are getting picked off as well.

    Reply to: A "Decisive Defeat" But Is Anyone Winning?   13 years 12 months ago
  • Rob;
    >>there isn't a single candidate where I am who is not bought and paid for by special interests,
    >>sane economic policy, focus on the American worker be damned.

    Gee now there's a shocker. ALL politicians are bought and paid for. Until a viable alternative is created we the people are well and truly screwed

    Reply to: A "Decisive Defeat" But Is Anyone Winning?   13 years 12 months ago
  • This is really bad. Grayson was outspoken on the bail out, tried like hell and succeeding on getting a partial audit the Fed, tried very hard to get in some good amendments and often was blocked by Democratic leadership, is losing his election badly.

    There also was in Ohio. A "trade representative for Bush" just won the Senate seat. What is wrong with Ohio when they have suffered so badly from just those type of trade agreements.

    This is what I've noticed, the politicians who actually fought hard for some same policies were attacked, badly, by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and others and it looks like yet again, $$ buys elections.

    Reply to: A "Decisive Defeat" But Is Anyone Winning?   13 years 12 months ago
  • I'm sure most economics readers are out voting or out even helping campaigns today. But consider this the election 2010 open thread rant. Who did you vote for? Did you skip out? Why? Did you split your ballot, write in, vote 3rd party?

    Myself, I have a write in ballot and the good news is voting on propositions and local government. But I have yet to fill out the federal races yet and I had better make a decision? Why? Because they all SUCK. I will vote for open borders, more bringing in foreign workers to displace Americans and special interests on one, on the other I will vote for more bad trade deals, tax cuts for the super rich and more decimation of the poor, down trodden.

    Not a damn true Populist Progressive of the lot. So, what do you do in that circumstance? Well, you might look to see who brings home the jobs bacon to your district. Jobs bacon is hard to get these days and it's jobs bacon we need.

    I might blind fold myself and do a put the tail on the donkey. I just don't know, there isn't a single candidate where I am who is not bought and paid for by special interests, sane economic policy, focus on the American worker be damned.

    Reply to: A "Decisive Defeat" But Is Anyone Winning?   13 years 12 months ago
  • That must explain why most of us are wet?

    Reply to: Wages in America, Most of Us are Have Nots   13 years 12 months ago
  • This post is getting a lot of reads. People, realize this entire agenda is coming from Wall Street, not elected officials, except they act as Wall Street Puppets. The entire thing, attacking your social security for privatization, reducing pensions, any of it, is about Wall Street wanting to get to those large funds and gamble with them.

    Don't think you can vote either party and remove the privatization eyeballs on your retirement or the other direction, reduce your retirement to give those funds to the uber-rich.

    Also, No bill was passed, this was simply a congressional hearing. Lots of silly stuff, including Bill Gates getting his own hearing spewing lies, has happened in Congressional testimony. Why just recently a comedian testified before Congress.

    Social security is not a Ponzi scheme. In fact it's the Only Retirement Pension many seniors have. You want to protect and guarantee social security at all costs here.

    Reply to: House discusses 401k/IRA confiscation   13 years 12 months ago
  • There was a request to make the graphs show better the lower wage distributions. The problem is I really need a non-linear scaling on the X-axis. I can offer up another graph to just say $100k, but the problem there is it doesn't show how most of America is stuck way in the bottom wage rungs where there are only a few uber-rich which distort so badly the average wage by over $14,0000 a year. So, I left the graphs to show that.

    Let me know if anyone wants a graph going up only to say $100k or $150k or whatever.

    Reply to: Wages in America, Most of Us are Have Nots   13 years 12 months ago
