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  • Due to the elections I am a day late in overviewing a lot of important economic reports. The BLS unemployment report comes out tomorrow, so I'm trying to write up the ones I missed.

    Reply to: ADP Employment Report for October 2010 - 43000 private sector job gain   13 years 12 months ago
  • The "Stick it in and break it off" party.

    Reply to: Which Party Will You Vote For?   13 years 12 months ago
  • Harry Reid pushed the "Dream Act" which gives illegals instate tuition plus a "pathway to citizenship". I wonder how many Democratic seats lost due to Harry Reid trying to save his seat with that move and let's see the vote breakdown. It's also very interesting that the states with the worst employment, but who continually cater to illegal immigrants stayed blue. There is something seriously wrong with these numbers generally but I won't "wade in" on this topic unless I can verify and be sure of the numbers. I cannot think of a topic with more B.S. in it, including Academic "research" B.S. than this one. But I sure noticed something on the "red wave", so I believe NumbersUSA, despite being a reduce immigration lobbying organization, might be onto something.

    On trade, hmmmm, well, there are a lot of conservatives, but classified as "paleo-conservative" like Pat Buchanan and Paul Craig Roberts types, who want those trade agreements canceled something done. That said, the TP sounds like they never read an economic report in their lives from what I've seen, but the press just focused on the crazies, probably another reason Feingold lost and much more corrupt Senator Reid won...they never focused in on Feingold's situation.

    The press.

    So, does that mean the TP loves the WTO and anything that isn't just between two countries?

    Reply to: A "Decisive Defeat" But Is Anyone Winning?   13 years 12 months ago
  • NumbersUSA did a lot of work before and after the election on Immigration and was kind to those favoring less immigration. Tea Partiers signed on to lower immigration. Most of the Libertarian wing ot TP opposes bilateral trade deals for both ideological and constitutional grounds. KFTA messes with the Article I definition of contracts as well as investments.

    There is also that discussion about how bilateral trade is not free trade because the other 3rd parties are excluded, sovereignty is destroyed.

    I want to see how any TP can support KFTA. The short answer is that they are politicians and thats how they slither and they will do almost anything, principles be damned. TP promised to vote down the Debt Ceiling increase in January. This will never happen, again they are politicians.

    Reply to: A "Decisive Defeat" But Is Anyone Winning?   13 years 12 months ago
  • They are claiming America wants "smaller government", uh, no GOP, we want jobs.

    Reply to: A "Decisive Defeat" But Is Anyone Winning?   13 years 12 months ago
  • Stop letting them keep us divided into red/blue, democrat/republican, left/right, coke/pepsi, mcdonalds/burger king. This in-fighting keeps our eyes OFF the prize! Its the guys behind the curtain who pull the strings. Take a step back, see the whole picture. And stop pointing the fingers at the wrong people. They keep us fighting amongst ourselves and we can't move forward that way!
    The whole system is corrupt.

    You work your butt off 40 hours a week, they take their share and put it in their pockets! The republicans spend on defense, the democrats spend on social programs. Whatever! They take your money either way. And they sit back and watch you yell, blaming the democrat president or the republican senator, as they laugh all the way to the bank. Oh wait - they ARE the bank.

    Reply to: House discusses 401k/IRA confiscation   13 years 12 months ago
  • Such trade agreement can very well ruin the growth of the state. The government of the state should consider it wise before entering any such agreement. Even the state should try to open some other way to create employment instead of only thinking about the loss.

    Reply to: 2.4 million jobs lost due to China from 2001-2008   13 years 12 months ago
  • ....I'm hopeful of only one thing and, no it ain't Preznint ClueLess growin' a spine, it's that Jerry with some of our newly passed props on the budget can get CA moving again. Believe me we are ready. Watch for my upcoming teasers on my new novel, 'The Bear Flag Republic Returns'.

    Reply to: A "Decisive Defeat" But Is Anyone Winning?   13 years 12 months ago
  • and it would be so nice if you all looked at them also, esp. in case I make an error! but this looks right to me, what Krugman is saying, including government shrinking. That's really true on State and Local, they are slashing and burning due to deficits.

    That said, he's not coming out and defending Keynesian and saying, hey, this thing was not architected correctly here, you needed very specific parameters and directed spending as I mentioned earlier.

    Wouldn't it be nice if people started reading the sites which go into the details and are accurate or try to be instead of this sound byte stream which dominates?

    Reply to: A "Decisive Defeat" But Is Anyone Winning?   13 years 12 months ago
  • Were unfortunate casualties of the hell with them movement. Reid only survived because his opponent scared the hell out of people.

    Feingold and Grayson would make excellent leaders of a new movement.

    Reply to: A "Decisive Defeat" But Is Anyone Winning?   13 years 12 months ago
  • Wow, he was pounded on illegal immigration. details here.

    So, goes more to my theory, if you are not for "pathway to citizenship/amnesty" in CA, NV, OR, you're going to lose but if you are for "amnesty/pathway to citizenship" in other parts of the country, you are going to lose.

    I'm not surprised by this, bummer you cannot get sane policy based on real market needs, case by case....but of course not, esp. if this means winning an election or losing. Except the divide to continue.

    Reply to: A "Decisive Defeat" But Is Anyone Winning?   13 years 12 months ago
  • ...

    It was written a few weeks ago, it didn't seem that long to me.


    Reply to: A "Decisive Defeat" But Is Anyone Winning?   13 years 12 months ago
  • claims that the economy will recover by "free market principles", so I would claim they are going to try to pass more bad trade deals, more labor arbitrage and so on, claiming that's "free market".

    Yet to be seen but from the rhetoric at least looks bad on trade. Hopefully Public Citizen or the AFL-CIO or someone will rate the newly elected on their real positions.

    I mean Good God, getting into elected office on some nice sounding sound bytes...oh great!

    Reply to: A "Decisive Defeat" But Is Anyone Winning?   13 years 12 months ago
  • The idea here is to be economics 24/7, with objective analysis and believe me, even many Academic research papers, Good God, if you can read the math you can see the spin in them! are clearly written to justify some preconceived conclusion.

    So, the idea here is for regular people with the ability to self-educate, read, start looking at this from an objective, statistics base.

    On the political front, I sure debated my vote. I'm so sick of Democrats doing political favors for special interest groups and Wall Street, multinational corporations when from the statistics, it will CLEARLY hurt the U.S. worker middle class and in many cases, the entire economy as a whole....

    But I think that's the corruption issue. Big money buys votes.

    But on Feingold, I think we had better look at the demographic breakdown, for he wasn't so corrupt in many votes and I'm thinking about the financial reform fight...
    I mean Grayson, maybe he ran a crappy campaign but he tried like hell to get better financial reform, so he gets rewarded with a big fat boot...

    So to me, as usual, the American public just is not well educated on anything $$ related....they still vote by "ads" and sound bytes instead of what policy does what, who is bought and paid for, who is out to screw what workers....

    It's still the superfluous divide.

    I can tell you all sorts of political flavors are on this site and I think that's awesome because when you have 80% of people knowing policy x needs to pass, yet you can't get it passed, that's where the people might have a chance to raise hell.

    Reply to: A "Decisive Defeat" But Is Anyone Winning?   13 years 12 months ago
  • Simple enough the BASE STAYED HOME. We are tired of being insulted and taken for granted that we'll always vote democratic, even if they are the lesser of two evils.

    Evil though is still evil, we worked our asses off in 06 and again in 08 to get a democratic majority who would straighten out the mess we were in.

    In 06 the first thing pelosi did was take impeachment off the table, then, they didn't even go after the low hanging fruit on the criminal tree.

    In 08 people worked their ass off to get that Benedict obama elected.
    The first thing he did was kiss corporate ass and tell us to chill.

    Since then they have taken the side of their corporate masters against the good of the people.

    So, we said fuck it dance with your new buddies and stayed home.

    Now there is going to be much pain and suffering, but it's time to build a real grassroots movement.

    One that has the interest of the people first, with jobs, healthcare, education, infra structure, financial reform etc etc etc as the main plank in a new agenda.

    It's time for Main street to matter more than Wall street.

    Reply to: A "Decisive Defeat" But Is Anyone Winning?   13 years 12 months ago
  • The victory by the AFL-CIO and Manufacturing coalition seemed to allow a buy-American theme. As you recall, the dump of Chinese steel pipe and solar panels was held to be illegal and because the funds were stimulus funds, buy-American is ok. See the Manufacure This link on the page to the right.

    There is broad and growing bipartisan support for buy-American. Times they are a changin'.

    Reply to: A "Decisive Defeat" But Is Anyone Winning?   13 years 12 months ago
  • The issues with small businesses are real and it's true Banksters are not lending to small business. But where is the great growth going to come from without some major policy changes? Jesus, why is it someone can be so wrong so often and still even read? I mean come on, a business cycle is not the real economy and so what, a private "think tank" with some VERY questionable "research" being "right" on a business cycle... so what? Look at this income distribution, look at the #'s of jobs offshore outsourced, the trade deficit, the fact that demand is the economy is almost zero...

    where is this magic growth going to spring from? New bailiffs to kick people out of their houses?

    Reply to: Wages in America, Most of Us are Have Nots   13 years 12 months ago
  • You know when you see something like that, I sure cannot get to anything, if you are of a mind to turn it into a blog post or Instapopulist, or at least link into a comment to bring other's attention to it, that's useful.

    I haven't read it but Krugman never seemed to amplify the fact that it did not have Hire America and Buy American, plus the funds were not distributed directly to people, i.e. it has to be "bottom up" distribution, i.e. income, through government sponsored employment to really work. In other words, infrastructure jobs, similar to the Great Depression GG Bridge, Hoover Damn, the CCC, WPA, where you get investment, plus income, directly into the pockets at the bottom.

    Instead the money went "top down", into unemployment insurance, which actually has a reasonable multiplier on it for Stimulus, but it bought goods overseas, literally contracts were awarded to private companies, who in turn offshore outsourced or bought money overseas, or even brought in/used foreign guest workers, illegal labor and the list goes on and on...

    so, in other words, the money was not forced to stay in the Domestic economy it was supposed to Stimulate and a lot was wasted by the "profits" of this top down distribution instead of a government sponsored "bottom up".

    Reply to: A "Decisive Defeat" But Is Anyone Winning?   13 years 12 months ago
  • Last year the metaphor for the "improving economy" was "green shoots".
    I guess the "green shoots" didn't bloom so Bonddad has coined a new one "coiled springs".
    Better was the old Alfred E. Newman saying "What me worry" or the depression era "Chicken in every pot"
    Hopefully, the "shoots" will bloom and the "springs uncoil" before too many more millions lose there jobs and homes.

    Reply to: Wages in America, Most of Us are Have Nots   13 years 12 months ago
  • was to release the rest of the TARP funds. Refused to fire Geithner, hired Larry Summers, put Daine Farrell, queen of offshore outsourcing on the executive team, put a host of Indians, with connections to offshore outsourcing, in the I.T. positions....

    Yup. This site, which had/has some hard core lefties who work on campaigns, the criticism started immediately and this site also has a lot of political conservatives on it, same thing.

    But I tried to warn during the primaries that Hillary, of all people, was de facto more Progressive in policy positions than Obama, shocking but true....

    Now with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce in the mix, these huge corporate money trees pouring negative, false ads into campaigns, it's even more important to look at votes, legislation, advisers, policy and make a clear connection to what does what and what is a false claim, trying to get some sane economic policy.

    As an example, I can tell you there is a joining of forces on confronting China's currency manipulation and the trade deficit, that's conservatives, Progressives agreeing on the same issue.

    That said, GOP leadership is worse than Democratic leadership in that they want to enable even more bad trade deals and will enable more offshore outsourcing.

    So, in spite of the Populist rancor and I'll call it Populist when you have people of all political flavors agreeing on an issue and action to take, it's once again....
    the bought and paid fors of government who will not act.

    Same is true on bail outs. We had some strong conservatives talking nationalization in effect, along with some strong Progressives, populists. Taking the Sweden approach, or at least the S&L crisis approach....yet because of Congressional leadership and two administrations, 1 GOP, 1 Dem, couldn't get that on the table.

    So, I don't expect much to change here. It's corporate money that's at the root of all evil it appears.

    Reply to: A "Decisive Defeat" But Is Anyone Winning?   13 years 12 months ago
