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  • Robert, you might want to re-check your comment about the cost of illegal immigrants- try Don't know where you got that number but I've seen similar figures thrown around, all attributable to assertions made by serial liar Lou Dobbs way back in 2006. I find it interesting that even the Congressional Budget Office said "no agreement exists as to the size of, or even the best way of measuring, that cost on a national level." Most assertions I've seen only tally the cost of government services and NEVER tally tax revenue generated by illegal immigrants or the increased profit made by the US companies hiring these folks. But, other than the immigration thing, I'm with you.

    Reply to: Corporate Takeover Stalls in California - Healhens hold the line   14 years 2 days ago
  • Here's something I do not get, beyond misogyny. Nancy Pelosi is being demonized, intensively and has approval ratings of 20%. But! The reality is the House is where a host of good bills were passed and it was the Senate who turned bills into corporate lobbyists pig fest, wish list. The house wasn't ideal, but in terms of rating the two by quality legislation, it was miles above the Senate.

    So, why is it Nancy Pelosi is getting attacked? Why would it not be Harry Reid and then Barney Frank in the House Financial Services committee?

    This election cycle makes zero sense to me, except to say we have just a massive flood, including the point I just made about offshore outsourcers buying our election, of corporate generated attacks and media campaigns against anyone who dares tries to pass laws they do not write and like.

    It's just psycho, one of the best representatives, a true blue Populist, not bought and paid for, that all flavors of the political spectrum can like and who normally wins his district > 70% is Peter Defazio, OR-4th (D). and believe this or not, he's in jeopardy. He's the one who said TARP was "bullshit" on the House floor, fought against the corporate special interests on stimulus, came up with transaction taxes to curtail flash trading....

    I mean a host of policies and votes that any "Tea partier" should love....

    yet Wu, also Oregon is supposedly going to win and he's a classic Democrat corrupt legislator.

    This seems to be controlled by these secret funded corporations running brazen "lie ads" 24/7 on TV.

    That's my only conclusion for even coming from a conservative "vote" think, Pelosi wouldn't even bring to the floor some of those they abhor...

    so she's frankly the better leader on the Democratic side, in comparison to Reid...

    I mean I'm not in love with Pelosi, there were some things, but to me, it just doesn't compare to that corrupt cess pool called the Senate.

    Reply to: Corporate Takeover Stalls in California - Healhens hold the line   14 years 3 days ago
  • Every unemployment report the graphs of civilian pop., participation rate, are graphed up via the St. Louis Fed here. Then last report, I did a few more graphs hunting out the unemployed, here.

    Finally, there is an entire labor economics forum, here.

    Firstly, what are your raw stats? Where are you getting these from? The definition of civilian population is those 16 or older not in the military or institutions (i.e. mental hospitals, prisons, etc.) So this includes people over the age of 65.

    It appears somehow you got the subset, below age 65, but from where? Link?

    You might also say that the unemployment statistics, the BLS refuses to categorize immigration status, although they do make it clear that illegal immigrants are counted into the unemployment statistics and we know that they also count foreign guest workers.

    Where are you getting those numbers of H-1B, L-1 in total? I'm pretty sure you're on the money but when it comes to these issues, because the BLS subsets, the definitions are pretty obscure and then on top of things, they refuse to count by immigration status and of course getting an accurate tally of offshore outsourced jobs...
    one can only estimate....

    we need to do triple checks on numbers. EP is a news source, so it's up to us to make sure we're accurate here.

    Reply to: Measuring "Non - Employment" in U.S. Working Age Adults   14 years 3 days ago
  • There have been recruiters for illegal labor since the 1980's. A U.S. lobbyist Miller thought this up and it was all about breaking the farm workers union. So, the entire human trafficking system was started by business. You should say "at what price" he could not find union construction, for the bay area had workers, they were out to reduce labor costs for a lot of this. i.e. there are workers from other areas they would have had to pay living costs and so on to get them to work in that location...

    Another example is Katrina, refused to hire local, Bush removed a prevailing wage law, they bused in illegals, unsafe, unsanitary living conditions, and on top of it many got stiffed.

    On the SS, there is a Mexico/U.S. totalization agreement. So, even though illegals routinely get stolen, fake SS numbers and still to this day you can buy one for less than $140, there is a way to claim that SS benefit from Mexico even with a fake SS number, by showing pay stubs and so on.

    If you're wondering why the unions suddenly said "amnesty" the illegals undermined their numbers so much, plus illegal labor erodes worker rights, workplace safety....which is the entire point. So, the unions now they want to get those illegals themselves into their unions to get their numbers up and also get a vote political "block"...

    Which is why I don't think Hispanics are voting as this monolithic block, despite what the special interests claim. If that were so, those AZ laws could not have passed and I saw the voter ethnicity breakdown, a lot of those Americans of Hispanic ethnicity voted for them. It wasn't as high as other demographics but close.

    We'll see the breakdown after this election but the GOP candidates in CA are all rah rah open borders de facto as well, both Fiorina and Whitman love cheap labor of all this thinking someone "cannot alienate the Hispanics"....well, is that assumption of a bunch of people who share the same ethnic heritage, this is their #1 voting issue even valid?

    New York, Oregon, Georgia, there are a host of other states with high percentages of people with Hispanic ethnicity, and in some of these areas, it's a shocking GOP sweep...but on the other hand, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and I just wrote about the offshore outsourcers too, are targeting certain Congress reps to be defeated...
    because....they want to stop/curtail offshore outsourcing and have introduced and/or voted for legislation to do so.

    My point being there is some amazing spin on this as of late, trying to claim flooding a labor market or using the well known techniques about to labor arbitrage, wage repress, is somehow "good for the economy", of course it isn't and the theory backs this up.

    Few also realize the ones behind this "unlimited global migration" agenda are corporations, business, U.S. Chamber of Commerce and it's all about worker displacement, control, wage repression. There is GATS mode 4 via the WTO which is all about "trading people". Categorizing people as commodities to be traded, under the heading "services". So far it hasn't been enacted but huge pressures to do so, again by various business interests and I should also mention remittances come into play in some of these other nation's economies.

    From the BLS data there are some increasingly bizarre stats. First Hispanic unemployment is much greater, yet "foreign born" unemployment is dramatically less. On social services, "immigrants" are the majority recipients. The BLS refuses to break down by immigration status, country of origin, so my guess is those incongruous numbers are because the BLS counts foreign guest workers in their statistics.

    That's another issue, we need better data, especially on labor markets and I swear they won't change the metrics because of the political bombshell of it all.

    Reply to: Corporate Takeover Stalls in California - Healhens hold the line   14 years 3 days ago
  • Just before break in the Senate or was it Congress there was a bill blocked by Republicans to stop jobs from going overseas. How much G.M. Lobbyist money was used to block that move surely it was more of our tax dollars going to block legislation to stop overseas job outsourcing. They use our money which frees up their money to sell us down the river. Who voted to stop the legislation or was just another Republican Fillibuster.

    Reply to: GM offshore outsourcing U.S. jobs   14 years 3 days ago
  • If a discrimination lawsuit wins against indian companies that openly discriminate against Americans that will make the playing field even. These companies have interview panels of over 80 percent indian with an intent of NOT passing/hiring a local candidate during the interview. We should start suing them, you can look at the posting at for the step by step process.

    Reply to: Indian Offshore Outsourcers Start Propaganda Campaign, Funding Elections to Get Your Job   14 years 3 days ago
  • Back in the 80's we the organizers of the labor movement saw this coming. If you think it is difficult to get a job if you have age or negative ethnic identification, imagine if your background includes years of organizing workers to defend basic conditions and wages. However what we possessed and there are many employers who will recognize this and employ you is a basic understanding of the following and it seems to me all the people in this video either neglected or did not posses this knowledge.
    1) there is no such thing as a secure job, only a secure employee, ie no debts, multi skilled, minimized obligations and savings are essential.
    2) in this capitalistic culture you will only be employed as long as you can make your employer money.

    I will not belabor the point. I have spent my life defending workers rights including the right to a living wage. However we have to be strong and self reliant, a job is a bonus, we must have the skills and resources to survive independent of the government or corporation. The lady recycling has the right attitude, she will prosper.

    Reply to: This is What the Unemployed Look Like   14 years 3 days ago
  • From: "Rajesh Kumar Ramachandran (LinkedIn Messages)
    Subject: Listen to me Asshole!!
    Date: Wed, 19 May 2010 20:49:20 -0700 (PDT)


    Rajesh Kumar Ramachandran has sent you a message.

    Date: 5/19/2010

    Subject: Listen to me Asshole!!

    Now listen carefully to me asshole.. dont just bark around in the corner like a rabies stricken stray dog about your pathetic views about politics and jobs. If your insecure about your skills and abilities thats your fucking problem not Indians or any other politicians.. Well you want me to provoke you well then hear this, we are gonna take all your jobs away.. we gonna make sure that you dont even have money to buy shit and eat, we gonna take evrything thatwas yours.. we gonna drape the Statue of Liberty with a saree (you dont know wahta saree iis, well its a dress which Indian women wear).. now get your fucking stinking face out of here ASSHOLE!!!!!

    Reply to: Indian Offshore Outsourcers Start Propaganda Campaign, Funding Elections to Get Your Job   14 years 3 days ago
  • This is what is really going on in corporate America: Asians deliberately keeping Americans out of the economy.

    -------- Original Message --------
    Subject: Sr. Electrical Engineer Position available @ Oplink
    Date: Mon, 13 Oct 2003 10:40:35 -0700 (PDT)
    From: Julie Koo
    Reply-To: Julie Koo Julie.Koo@Sun.COM

    ------------- Begin Forwarded Message -------------

    Date: Mon, 13 Oct 2003 08:43:52 -0700
    From: Sabrina Chan
    Subject: Sr. Electrical Engineer Position available @ Oplink
    MIME-version: 1.0
    X-Accept-Language: en
    Original-recipient: rfc822;


    The company my friend works at is currently looking for a Senior Electrical
    Engineer. If you know any qualified applicants, please have them send their
    resume directly to:

    Attached below is a copy of the job description. Oplink is a telecommunications


    * * *

    Note the names of the 2 email groups she sent it to:


    Just another tactic jealous Asians use to lock Americans out of the job market in the U.S.

    As usual, you're only qualfied if you're Asian. Americans need not apply.

    Yet Asians yell and scream that Americans "can't compete".

    It's not a matter of Americans not being able to compete - only of not being allowed to.

    Reply to: Indian Offshore Outsourcers Start Propaganda Campaign, Funding Elections to Get Your Job   14 years 3 days ago
  • If you want to really know what's wrong with the economy, just take a look at this:

    Companies ruined or almost ruined by India, Inc:

    Adaptec - Indian CEO Subramanian Sundaresh fired.
    AIG (signed outsourcing deal in 2007 in Europe with Accenture Indian frauds, collapsed in 2009)
    AirBus (Qantas plane plunged 650 feet injuring passengers when its computer system written by India disengaged the auto-pilot).
    Apple R&D CLOSED in India in 2006
    Bell Labs (Arun Netravalli took over, closed, turned into a shopping mall)
    Boeing Dreamliner ES software (written by HCL, banned by FAA)
    Caymas - Startup run by Indian CEO, French director of dev, Chinese tech lead. Closed after 5 years of sucking VC out of America.
    ComAir crew system run by 100% Indian IT workers caused the 12/25/05 U.S. airport shutdown when they used a short int instead of a long int
    Dell - call center (closed in India because Premji's conmen don't even know how to use telephones, let alone computers)
    Delta call centers (closed in India because Premji's conmen don't even know how to use telephones, let alone computers)
    Fannie Mae- Hired large numbers of Indians, had to be bailed out. Indian logic bomb creator found guilty.
    GM - Was booming in 2006, signed $300 million outsourcing deal with Wipro that same year, went bankrupt 3 years later
    HSBC ATMs (software taken over by Indians, failed in 2006)
    Intel Whitefield processor project (cancelled, Indian staff canned)
    Lehman (Spectramind software bought by Wipro, ruined, trashed by Indian programmers)
    Microsoft - Employs over 35,000 H-1Bs. Stock used to be $100. Today it's lucky to be over $25. Not to mention that Vista thing.
    MIT Media Lab Asia (canceled)
    PeopleSoft (Taken over by Indians in 2000, collapsed).
    Qantas - See AirBus above
    Quark (Alukah Kamar CEO, fired, lost 60% of its customers to Adobe because Indian-written QuarkExpress 6 was a failure)
    Skype (Madhu Yarlagadda fired)
    State of Indiana $867 billion FAILED IBM project, IBM being sued
    State of Texas failed IBM project.
    Sun Micro (Taken over by Indian and Chinese workers in 2001, collapsed, has to be sold off to Oracle).
    United - call center (closed in India because Premji's conmen don't even know how to use telephones, let alone computers)
    Virgin Atlantic (software written in India caused cloud IT failure)
    World Bank (Indian fraudsters BANNED for 3 years because they stole data).

    I could post the whole list here but I don't want to crash any servers.

    This is about more than $ and economics - this is about conquest of the western world. We had better wake up and fast.

    Reply to: Indian Offshore Outsourcers Start Propaganda Campaign, Funding Elections to Get Your Job   14 years 3 days ago
  • It's first hand from a builder not a lobbyist. In the DC metro area, there was a huge housing shortage and prices were through the roof. There was also a shortage of workers to build houses. The area has no smokestacks and is very heavy with knowledge workers. Couldn't get enough workers by a long shot. Through the miracle of stealth government policy, lots of able workers showed up from Mexico and Central America, workers without any entry papers.

    In order to employ someone here, you need a copy of your ID. How convenient. Undocumented workers would get a copy of a Social Security card with a name and a number. They'd be hired and then enrolled in the state system for disability coverage. If they were injured, the state would pay them, no problem (which is fair since they paid in). Who knows what happened to the Social Security money but it was paid and it's somewhere.

    The workers would never have given a Mexican or any other national social security equivalent program number. To do so would have been an outright admission that they were foreign workers and that would have triggered a checking process. I don't know how it worked in West but that was the deal here.

    When the homes were built and the recession hit, the workers returned home. It was pure economics of labor. The politics was revolting. Those who campaigned against the workers, Republicans mostly but not exclusively, were caught taking beau coup donations from builders who were the biggest employers of these workers. Go figure.

    Reply to: Corporate Takeover Stalls in California - Healhens hold the line   14 years 3 days ago
  • What a great article!

    Aren't there laws against foreign entities giving money to U.S. politicians? Why do we continue to permit the foreign lobbying of our government? In Japan they even have media laws that say no more than 5% of media ownership or even content can come from foreign sources.

    We need to boot all these parasite Indian compqnies and their Indiot slave laborers out of the USA. This is what's wrong with our economy: as the other poster said, it's just a big money grab - they aren't producing anything or innovating.

    Reply to: Indian Offshore Outsourcers Start Propaganda Campaign, Funding Elections to Get Your Job   14 years 3 days ago
  • that's not gross, that's net costs, taking into account any taxes. Not true on SS, there is an international agreement with Mexico on SS and they can obtain benefits through that agreement. On this issue, more than all others, there is so much B.S. out there. One of the EP rules is no economic fiction and pulling stuff from their lobbyist papers, which isn't actually true is one of those fictions. Believe me, they even try to set labor economics variables to zero, they are so intense on getting their agenda, and for me, the numbers are what they are and one cannot try to spin facts, figures theory for some political agenda.

    Reply to: Corporate Takeover Stalls in California - Healhens hold the line   14 years 3 days ago
  • You're right and Brown and Boxer are from a generation of politicians who had no problem saying that they were liberal and taking on corporate greed. They actually fight back when attacked, which means they believe in what they stand for. Neither are perfect and Brown has some rough sledding ahead of him. But after 8 years of Warren Buffett's hand (s)elected governor, it is time for a major change. (ps. Good advise to Obama)

    Reply to: Corporate Takeover Stalls in California - Healhens hold the line   14 years 4 days ago
  • Fiorina never saw a job she wouldn't consider outsourcing. It's amazing that she ever got hired at HP after her clever technique of generating sales by offering loans to customers. What a scam.

    I'll take your word on the $11 billion figure for illegal immigration. But two points to keep in mind. First the immigrants are paying taxes, including FICA which is pure profit to the Social Security system. They're required to present a copy of certain ID forms, including a SS card. Everyone keeps quiet on this but the money is deposited but never collected. That's in addition to the other taxes they pay. It would be interesting to net out the $11 bil. Also, the original illegal immigrants to California are the people paying for the current population. Something to do with the US taking the state after the illegal invasion of Mexico. Just saying...

    The pot initiative may well pass. I figured out the problem with the polls being all over the place. Answering 'Yes, I favor Prop 19'is harder than answering no or don't know (reluctance to endorse currently illegal activities to a stranger on the phone, little 'paranoia', etc.). All questions should be equally easy to answer. So it may pass.

    Brown is exceptionally intelligent and he's able to think outside the box. I'm sure there will be a number of interesting proposals that are people friendly, with a focus on the middle class.

    It's a great race out there and the deciding factor may well be those "Never" attend church folks - 28% of the electorate who overwhelmingly support Brown and Boxer.

    Reply to: Corporate Takeover Stalls in California - Healhens hold the line   14 years 4 days ago
  • Don't waste your time with places like that frankly. It's going to hurt your self esteem for one of the favorite tricks of "tech" is when they are brazenly discriminating, claim someone doesn't "have the skills". Seen that, witnessed it many a time. If you see a corporations with no grey hair except executives, see a corporation with no women technical professionals, no black people, ....the bottom line is they are discriminating. While the percentages of Blacks, women, etc. are low in tech, they are there so a division of 1000 should have at least 3 women as an example in their R&D departments.

    But this entire business model of labor arbitrage needs to be wiped out, period. I'm sorry but the infamous worker squeeze needs to go and the focus on creating real products, real value, real innovation needs to stay.

    It's no surprise to me that so many tech contracts fail, are a waste of money, buggy and so on with mentality.

    Reply to: Indian Offshore Outsourcers Start Propaganda Campaign, Funding Elections to Get Your Job   14 years 4 days ago
  • I have had many dealings with Cognizant. The most striking was the discovery that their products for the insurance industry rating systems do not work, at all. One of the favorite ploys Cognizant uses is the pretense of hiring on-shore domestic IT workers. The recruitment process goes like this;

    1.Call an on-shore resource about a position.

    2. Engage in a quick soft-ball tech interview.

    3. Tell the on-shore resource about his qualifications.

    4. Send the candidate to the HR department.

    5. Have HR explain that Cognizant can pay about 60 percent of going rates.

    Sorry. Another variation is the game of finding out what the candidate makes so the offshore candidates who have been pre-selected and set up for the job
    can cinch the position with a low-ball bid.

    Reply to: Indian Offshore Outsourcers Start Propaganda Campaign, Funding Elections to Get Your Job   14 years 4 days ago

    Please "like" us. I think we need to get 20 "likes" before I can create a direct link to start using the hooks into Facebook more.

    I spend all of my time administrating, writing, dealing with EP, so any useful things facebook people would like, please let me know what they are.

    It took me forever to figure out what I got on the page. I want EP to remain EP, including not reposting our content, (excerpts aok) on Facebook.

    But I am looking at figuring out how to "hook in" more for I see a lot of people love and use Facebook every day.

    But first we need 20 "likes" and then I believe I can work on some of those linking in features, such as you see on the major press and blogs so people can share, discuss on facebook and I might if I can get the security together, set up the ability to login to EP using other accounts already set up, such as Facebook.

    Reply to: U.S. Treasury Secretary Geithner Proposes Balanced Trade   14 years 4 days ago
  • A few years ago, on a trip to Buenos Aires, I saw what appeared to be middle class people going through trash bags for recyclables. At the time, it never occurred to me that it would happen here, as well. My heart goes out to all of them ... honestly, I don't even have the words to express how wrong it is to leave people in these circumstances so helpless.

    Reply to: This is What the Unemployed Look Like   14 years 4 days ago
  • ...GOP tidal wave in CA. Jerry is kicking Corporate Scumbat Whitman's fat bejesus...

    See all here:

    Check those favorable vs. unfavorables for Jerry and NutMeg. We here in CA are looking at a resurgence of real progressivism, yep Jerry is the real deal, as opposed to the FAUX NOISE kind O'Blather has tried to sell to the sheeple.

    Sorry Mr. President.... sale.

    Reply to: Corporate Takeover Stalls in California - Healhens hold the line   14 years 4 days ago
